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Aminet-Uploads bis 01.07.2007
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
megaget.lha                comm/net       11K    GEN   Aminet frontend and/or [http] downloader
samba-3.0.4-morphos.tgz    comm/tcp       30M    MOS   Samba for MorphOS, Alpha version
samba-upd-morphos.gz       comm/tcp      1.3M    MOS   Updated Samba server for MorphOS Samba  dev/misc       16K    ARO   Aids discovery of memory leaks in prgs                  dev/misc       48M    ARO   An Integrated Development Environment
mADFloppy.lha              disk/misc      67K    OS3   amiga disk images xferring environment
R200_Ink_Level.lha         driver/print   34K    OS3   Ink level monitor for Epson R200
xando.lha                  game/2play      5K    GEN   XO game for two players
matanza-bin-m68k.lha       game/shoot    145K    OS3   ascii art shootem up
TotalChaosAGAr6.lha        game/strat     77M    OS3   2D Magic & Monsters turn-based Strategy
ezaMaze.lha                game/wb        33K    OS3   Get to the exit of the labyrinth!
ami-dcraw_8_70.lha         gfx/conv      432K    OS3   CLI converter for camera's RAW files
GSGui.lha                  gfx/conv       86K    GEN   GUI for Ghostscript8 in MUI
dudemo.lha                 misc/sci       10M    OS4   Digital Universe Demo
HorrorZombies.lha          mods/cust      43K    OS3   Custom module from "Horror Zombies..."
M1TankPlatoon.lha          mods/cust      44K    OS3   Custom modules from "M-1 Tank Platoon"
Pirates.lha                mods/cust     143K    OS3   Custom module from "Pirates!"
RedStormRising.lha         mods/cust      62K    OS3   Custom module from "Red Storm Rising"
DG_MIDI_player.lha         mus/midi       48K    OS3   Simple MIDI Player for OS4 (68k)
EP_TFMXST.lha              mus/play       14K    OS3   EaglePlayer "TFMX ST" external replayer
mikmod_68k.lha             mus/play      159K    OS3   Play & convert various mod formats.
playOGG.lha                mus/play      1.5M    OS3   multi format sound player.
SadCircus.tar.gz           pix/anim       83K    GEN   Sadistic Circus anim
ql_dt.lha                  util/dtype     19K    OS3   Datatype for Sinclair QL pictures
SayToy.lha                 util/misc      27K    GEN   Speech Text Translator and Narrator
StartBar-ITA.lha           util/misc     139K    OS3   StartBar italian version fontsensitive
depstrack.lha              util/shell     49K    VAR   lists dependencies in a binary

[Meldung: 02. Jul. 2007, 18:07] [Kommentare: 19 - 04. Jul. 2007, 22:22]
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