Amiga Future (Webseite)
MorphOS: MapMasterDX 0.8
Mit Kelly Samels MapMasterDX lassen sich große, aus einzelnen Kacheln zusammengesetzte Landschaften für Spiele entwerfen (Screenshot).
- Cut and paste of rectangular block sections
- Multi-layered map editing
- Transparency mask for layers (PNG)
- Added a cursor
- Fixed bug causing incorrect block ID
- Locking of the block settings
- Multiple undo feature
- Keyboard shortcuts for several gadgets/functions
- All Layers gadget for multi-layer save/load
- Updated documentation
- Numerous other bug fixes
- Increased stability
Download: mapmasterdx.lha (373 KB) (snx)
[Meldung: 09. Jun. 2007, 12:55] [Kommentare: 1 - 12. Jun. 2007, 11:10]
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