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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
04.Jun.2007 (Webseite)

Instant Messenger: Jabberwocky 1.7
Jabberwocky ist ein MUI-basierter Instant-Messaging-Client für AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4 und MorphOS, der über sogenannte Server-Module den Zugriff auf verschiedene Messenging-Netzwerke (u.a. AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo) ermöglicht. Änderungen seit Version 1.6:
  • Changed some MUI includes to be consistant with the rest of the Jabberwocky sourcecode files
  • Updated copyright notice in catalog files. Updated several string definitions in Italian catalog translation file
  • Added workaround for OS4 network includes conflict with clib2 network includes. The files & file structure of clib2 network includes are now different than those defined in the Amiga OS4 includes
  • Disabled vapor_toolkit.library check in the MorphOS build. Latest MorphOS ships without this lib. MUI4 has its own TextInput.mcc and does not use this lib
  • Unused variables removed from sources
  • Eliminated unused includes
  • Added OS4 socket library open/close since bsdsocket.library is not longer automatically opened by standard libauto
  • Added patched muimaster.h include file required for 68k Jabberwocky compile
  • Updated makefile and includes for new OS4 SDK
  • Changed constant definitions for XML ID strings to make them easier to identify in the Jabberwocky source
  • Added ID attribute to version (jabber:iq:version) requests and responses for the benifit of other Jabber clients (like Exodus) that rely on the ID attributes to identify Jabber iq requests
  • Added new functions to retrieve Jabber server agent list using service discovery methods
  • Added functions to obtain agent information from Jabber server with service discovery methods
  • Added new constant definitions and function prototype in support of service discovery methods for obtaining Jabber server agent information
  • Added ID attribute to agent registration XML
  • Made numerous changes to sources in order to implement SASL authentication required by some new Jabber servers
  • Changed size check in console logger to use size sent in the call
  • Changed size for connection checks to 2 since at least one server is sending 2 spaces for the checks
  • Added several defines to support SASL authentication
  • Added Jabber namespace definitions not included in Iksemel library
  • Removed unused MSG_CHAT constant and moved MSG_READ constant
  • Added return value of IKS_HOOK to receive function so Jabberwocky can tell if stream:features is being received following initial connect header
  • Fixed long standing bug that can cause 68k Jabberwocky enforcer hit or crash
  • Updated header files for use with new Iksemel library
  • Updated Jabberwocky main sources for use with new Iksemel library
  • Numerous changes in return values and function names were made
  • Updated Iksemel library to latest released version and added necessary Amiga modifications

[Meldung: 04. Jun. 2007, 15:45] [Kommentare: 22 - 09. Jun. 2007, 01:22]
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