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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
11.Apr.2007 (Webseite)

Dateisystem: SFS 1.269
Jörg Strohmayer stellt eine neue Version des alternativen Dateisystems SFS zur Verfügung:
  • 1.269: Forgot to disable some debug output in 1.268, fixed.
  • 1.268: Requesters don't use TimedDosRequester() anymore since the new SYS:Prefs/Presets/Requester feature of requester.class could cause deadlocks.
  • 1.268: Changed some memory allocations to MEMF_PUBLIC/MEMF_SHARED.
  • 1.267: Now checks the free stack size and uses the old file system API if it's low.
  • 1.266: ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL now returns ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE if there isn't even enough space for a single entry in the buffer.
  • 1.266: ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL now returns ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE if someone tries to use it again after directory scanning was complete already (implicitely or by using ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL_END).
  • 1.266: Fixed wrong error return code for ACTION_READ_LINKS.
  • 1.266: Now uses IExec->CopyMem() instead of a custom memcpy().


AmigaOS 3: SFS_1.269_68k.lha (47 KB)
AmigaOS 4: SFS_1.269.lha (66 KB) (cg)

[Meldung: 11. Apr. 2007, 16:38] [Kommentare: 3 - 12. Apr. 2007, 12:39]
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