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23.Mär.2007 (Webseite)

DiscreetFX: Spielprogrammierungswettbewerb
DiscreetFX initiiert einen Wettbewerb mit dem Ziel der Erstellung der Demoversion (3 Level) eines Plattformspiels, bei dem Hottie die Hauptrolle spielt. Dem Gewinner winken 1000 US-Dollar.

Press release Chicago, Illinois – March 23rd, 2007 -- Visual FX company DiscreetFX LLC Inc., offers $1000 to the developer or team that can create a three level demo of a platform game starring Hottie, in the classic gaming style of Arabian Nights, Shadow of the Beast, Nicky Boom, Zool, etc.

"I have noticed game development for Amiga has seemed to stagnant and want to help change that, stated DiscreetFX's CEO. So begins a fun contest to sharpen your Amiga game creation coding skills. The three level demo you create will need to run on classic Amiga's and WinUAE/E-UAE/PSPUAE. We don't care so much if it is AGA or Amiga 500 specific. We care more of the quality and polish that will go into the demo. The game will need to star "Hottie", DiscreetFX's leading virtual character.

Runner up prizes will also be offered and the winner will get a chance to complete the game and release it on AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, AROS, and other gaming systems.

More information will be available at the title link in the next week. For more information about this contest please contact DiscreetFX.

About DiscreetFX:
DiscreetFX has been creating software products for the Amiga, video editing, computer generated graphics (CGI) industry since 1995. The Amiga computer defined and created the video editing, computer graphics market when it went on sale in 1985. (snx)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 2007, 18:56] [Kommentare: 26 - 26. Mär. 2007, 17:16]
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