Grzegorz Kraszewski (ANF)
MorphOS: Update der Streaming-Bibliothek Reggae
Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski stellt ein Update seiner MorphOS-Bibliothek für Stream-Medien zur Verfügung. Highlights dieser Version: RLE8-Kompression, Unterstützung für Bilder im BMP-Format inklusive diverser nicht korrekt gespeicherter Abwandlungen, außerdem wurden einige Fehler beseitigt. Die Änderungen im Detail:
netpbm.demuxer 51.5
- Fixed stupid bug in the recognition routine, initial 'P' was not checked and any byte there was accepted
bmp.demuxer 51.6
- Added MMA_BlockAlign attribute (stream offset to pixmap data) used by bmp.decoder for workarounds for decoding buggy images
- Added missing OM_GET and MMM_GetPort entries to the dispatcher
- Implemented MMM_Seek()
- Added MMA_StreamPosBytes attribute
- Recognition routine: if header filesize does not match filesystem filesize, does not set probability to 0. Allows lot of broken images to be accepted
bmp.decoder 51.4
- Added workaround for buggy savers setting structure size field in the header to 0. 40 bytes is assumed in this case
- Fixed error reporting in Setup(), result of LoadData() is returned instead of TRUE
- All memory allocations are now done with MediaAllocVec()
- Added workaround for images with shortened palette (only NumColors palette entries)
- Added workaround for palette images with NumColors set to 0
- Added workaround for images having extra data after bitmap header or palette (forward seek to pixel data offset)
- Added RLE8 decoder for compressed 8-bit images
[Meldung: 02. Feb. 2007, 15:28] [Kommentare: 1 - 02. Feb. 2007, 17:03]
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