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17.Jan.2007 (Webseite)

IRC-Klient: Wookiechat 2.4.1 Beta 9
James Carroll stellt eine neue Beta-Version seines MUI-basierten IRC-Klienten Wookiechat für AmigaOS 3/4 zur Verfügung. Änderungen in Beta 9:
  • Beta 8: Made the "disable server tabs" option less buggy
  • Beta 8: Included updated catalogs for svenska,deutsch,norsk,polski,hungarian
  • Beta 9: Bugfix: Launching WookieChat before Roadshow was ready was preventing Wookie from working properly. I was forgetting to try reopening the bsdsocket.library interface when trying to connect
  • Beta9: Bugfix: No more garbage characters bug when using cursor up/down to scroll through your input history. (used to happen at the end)
  • Beta 9: Type /playing or /tunenet to show whats playing in TuneNet. It's not that useful a feature really.. I added it by request. It's something nice to play with, just for shits 'n giggles
  • Beta 9: Bugfixed the "file comment" code for recieved files. It works on SFS partitions now (i dont think it liked OS3 either, but it should work now)
  • Beta 9: All catalogs except spanish are up to date again
  • Beta 9: Made the chat history buffer smaller (less wasted space), and increased the maximum outgoing buffer a little

Direkter Download: wookiechat2_5beta9_17thJan2007.lha (768 KB) (cg)

[Meldung: 17. Jan. 2007, 16:44] [Kommentare: 0]
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