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Aminet-Uploads bis 25.12.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
DirectoryOpus418.lha        biz/dopus   788K    OS4   The legendary filemanager
FussballBundesliga.lha      biz/misc     13K    GEN   TurboCalc Spreadsheet Football (german)
egg2mirc_0.06_mos.lha       comm/irc     21K    MOS   egg2mirc
IRCStats_1.0_mos.lha        comm/irc     84K    MOS   IRCStats
irssi2mirc_1.0_mos.lha      comm/irc     13K    MOS   irssi2mirc
log2mirc_0.01_mos.lha       comm/irc     20K    MOS   log2mirc
xchat2mirc_1.0_mos.lha      comm/irc     12K    MOS   xchat2mirc
micq_0.5.2_mos.lha          comm/net    1.1M    MOS   mICQ
ncftp_3.2.0_mos.lha         comm/net    658K    MOS   NcFTP
openssh-bin.lha             comm/tcp    973K    OS4   OpenSSH secure networking tools
openssh_note.txt            comm/tcp      1K    GEN   How to Obtain Amiga Port of OpenSSH 3.0.
A71Mail.lha                 comm/www     20K    GEN   Email Form multilanguage written in php
IBrowseSP.lha               comm/www     19K    GEN   IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs
MCC_NList-0.98.lha          dev/mui     972K    VAR   NList custom classes for MUI (v0.98)
Peek-Mem.lha                dev/src      49K    OS3   Peeking memory, using Python V1.4+.
AutoBackUp.lha              disk/bakup    4K    GEN   Backup/clean (mirror imaging) using Back
DiskValid.lha               disk/salv    11K    OS3   A GUI Front end for PFS DiskValid tool
PC-Task_Guide.lha           docs/help    18K    GEN   A guide for PC Task 4.4 owners
TotalChaosAGAr6.lha         game/strat   76M    OS3   Magic & Monsters combat strategy!
wesnoth.lha                 game/strat   88M    OS4   Battle for Wesnoth OS4 port
SkinsArTKanoid.lha          game/wb     674K    GEN   More skins for ArTKanoid game
autotrace-mos.lha           gfx/conv    644K    VAR   Raster bitmap to SVG etc. converter
potrace-mos.lha             gfx/conv    754K    VAR   potrace - raster bitmap to SVG converter
AMIGA-Project1.lha          hard/hack   305K    GEN   A simple kids project for the AMIGA.
AmiArcadia.lha              misc/emu    212K    OS3   Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator
hugo.lha                    misc/emu    457K    MOS   PC-Engine/TurboGrafX-16 emulator
winarosstart.exe            misc/emu    2.0M    ARO   Comfortable WindowsAROS file transfer
ZXTaper.lha                 misc/emu      1K    OS3   Load ZX Spectrum cassette
etaisyys.lha                misc/sci      4K    OS3   Shortest way between two points on earth
LightTravel.mpg             mods/mpg    2.8M    GEN   Diezi7 song
AmySequencer.lha            mus/edit    307K    OS3   MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
HivelyTracker.lha           mus/edit    1.4M    OS4   AHX based multichannel chiptune tracker
SamplesMaster.lha           mus/misc    106K    OS3   Creates IFF and RAW samples (italian)
EP_DBialluch.lha            mus/play     13K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Dirk Bialluch" replayer
EP_DigitSound.lha           mus/play     10K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Digital Sound Cr." replayer
EP_EarAche.lha              mus/play     10K    OS3   EaglePlayer "EarAche" external replayer
EP_EMS.lha                  mus/play     12K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Editeur Musical Seq." playe
EP_HippelCOSO.lha           mus/play     14K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Jochen Hippel COSO" player
EP_JHippelST.lha            mus/play     13K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Jochen Hippel ST" player
EP_MarkCooksey.lha          mus/play     15K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Mark Cooksey" replayer
EP_MaxTrax.lha              mus/play     23K    OS3   EaglePlayer "MaxTrax" external replayer
EP_Musicline4V.lha          mus/play     46K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Musicline 4V" replayer
EP_Musicline8V.lha          mus/play     33K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Musicline 8V" replayer
EP_PumaTracker.lha          mus/play     14K    OS3   EaglePlayer "PumaTracker" replayer
EP_SierraAGI.lha            mus/play     13K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Sierra AGI" external replay
THanimation.lha             pix/anim    1.7M    GEN   Aga animation of cassini space mission
PNG_Icons.lha               pix/picon   189K    GEN   PNG Icon Collection
GlassBottles.lha            pix/theme   105K    GEN   Images for AmiGG Comunicator
pdf2pic.lha                 text/dtp    1.3M    OS3   an alternative way of viewing PDF's
BareED.lha                  text/edit   367K    OS3   ASCII/TIS-620 editor/text highlighting           text/edit     3K    ARO   String Replace Utility
AntiwordGui-de.lha          text/misc    18K    GEN   German locale for AntiWordGui
Conspiracy-Deutsch-New.lha  text/misc    89K    OS3   Generates conspiracy theories - German!
ctags_5.6_mos.lha           text/misc   271K    MOS   Generate tag files of source code
mpega_libmad.i386.tar.bz2   util/libs   267K    ARO   libmad based mpega.library i386 (+src)
idle2_1.lha                 util/moni    17K    OS3   A (working) A68K cpu monitor
idlewos.lha                 util/moni    12K    WUP   A cpu monitor with WarpOS Support

[Meldung: 26. Dez. 2006, 03:11] [Kommentare: 0]
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