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AROS: Lunapaint 0.2.8
Hogne 'M0ns00n' Titlestads Grafikprogramm für AROS/x86, Lunapaint (Screenshot), stopft in der Version 0.2.8 unter anderem alle bisher bekannten undichten Stellen.
- Fixed: No more flood fill bugs
- Fixed: Coordinate allignment
- Fixed: Precision with grid
- Fixed: Cyclechain on input fields
- Fixed: ~90k mem leak (due to wierd OM_REMMEMBER behaviour in zune)
- Fixed: Full cleanup of toolbox, should also be friendly to smaller screenmodes
- Fixed: Cleaned up image window
- Fixed: Strange layers window behaviour fixed
- NEW: Prepared prefs window
- NEW: Checkes instead of lines for background
- NEW: Brush preview
Download: lunapaint_v028.tar.gz (211 KB) (snx)
[Meldung: 11. Nov. 2006, 22:37] [Kommentare: 0]
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