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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
23.Okt.2006 Uploads bis 22.10.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei
php-src.tgz               dev/lan    4Mb  PHP 4.3.0 rc2 (sources)
php5-src.tgz              dev/lan    8Mb  PHP 5.1.1 for apache 1.3.34 / OS4 (sourc
apache-src.tgz            net/ser   11Mb  Apache 1.3.34 PHP 5.1.1 (sources)
easytag-src.tgz           aud/edi    1Mb  EasyTag 1.1 for Cygnix (sources)
perl.tar.bz2              dev/lan   10Mb  Perl 5.8.5 AmigaOS4
cinepaint_cygnix-src.tgz  gra/edi   10Mb  Cinepaint 0.21.1 alpha for Cygnix (sourc
amaya-src.tgz             net/bro   12Mb  Amaya 8.8.5 for Cygnix (sources)
mysql-client-src.tgz      net/mis    5Mb  MySQL 3.23.58 (sources)
xfce_cygnix-src.tgz       uti/fil    4Mb  Xfce 3.8.16 alpha for Cygnix (sources)
vim_cygnix-src.tgz        uti/tex    7Mb  vim 7.0 alpha for Cygnix (sources)
bitmask.lha               dev/lib   29kb  Simple and efficient bitmask collision d
guilib.lha                dev/lib    1Mb  A very simple GUI framework for SDL
sdl_blitpool.lha          dev/lib  407kb  Blit/Fill operation pool with optimizer
gimp_cygnix-src.tgz       gra/edi   15Mb  Gimp 1.2.5 alpha for Cygnix (sources)
lightning.lha             dem/mis    7Mb  A lightning graphics demo with some soun
noddingchod.lha           dem/mis  158kb  A basic SDL demo
phire.lha                 dem/mis  210kb  An SDL particle-based flame effect
sdl_fire.lha              dem/mis  161kb  An SDL Fireworks demo
bouncing.lha              dev/exa  429kb  A SDL example with a bouncing penguin
colormouse.lha            dev/exa  235kb  One way to implement color mouse cursors
aedgui.lha                dev/lib    4Mb  A cross platform GUI C++ GUI library
newvox.lha                dem/mis  158kb  An SDL voxel landscape
sierp.lha                 dem/mis  154kb  A small SDL gfx demo
stars.lha                 dem/mis  158kb  A rotating starfield
warp.lha                  dem/mis  249kb  A realtime picture 'gooing' SDL demo.
water.lha                 dem/mis  195kb  A realtime SDL water effect.
xflame.lha                dem/mis  161kb  The classic fire effect, now through SDL
ballfield.lha             dem/sce  425kb  A goodlooking SDL Amiga demo style ballf
curvetest.lha             dev/exa  470kb  Spline, Bezier and Hemite SDL examples
vistk.lha                 dev/exa  335kb  VisTk - the Visualize ToolKit Example(!)
bindata.lha               dev/uti    5kb  Converts raw binary contents to into C s
smoothscroll.lha          dev/uti  266kb  A smooth subpixel SDL/GL(!!!) scroller/m
dumpmpeg.lha              gra/con  296kb  A simple program to dump the frames of M
xtopng.lha                gra/con  379kb  A general-purpose image converter based 
photocrop.lha             gra/edi  325kb  Crop and Resize images easilly.
sdlcalc.lha               uti/sci  461kb  An advanced calculator

[Meldung: 23. Okt. 2006, 19:42] [Kommentare: 1 - 24. Okt. 2006, 13:04]
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