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Filesharing: Amigift 2.0 (Prerelease)
Amigift ist ein P2P-Filesharingsystem das auf dem aus der Unix-Welt portierten giFT-Dämon (Gnutella, FastTrack, OpenFT) basiert und über eine MUI-basierte graphische Benutzeroberfläche namens "GiftMUI" verfügt. Änderungen seit der letzten Version:
  • Fixed a bug on the Online Updater which fail to update some files due a CRC Checksum error reported by analizing not the correct chunk of data...
  • To reload the daemon from giFTMui a timeout-Timer for daemon shutdown chekout is created, if such timer cannot be created for any reason a 'failed assertion' causes the interface to exit completely, This has been changed to avoid the assert()'ion check and instead trying to bind the daemon port should let us know as well when daemon isn't running to be reloaded. Also, such timeout-Timer calls a dispatcher on intervals of 300000 micro seconds, that value has been changed to 700K as well
  • On a failed assertion situation, the chat tryes to re-connect itself to the server, due a common method from the chat custom class is invoked, this will no longer happen if such method is invoked disposing the class.
  • Recent Ares versions don't report real stats, it's not a bug, at least not on our part. alas, giftd doesn't allow plugins *not* to provide stats, so we just return what the supernode tells us if it's an old supernode then it'll work, if it's not, it won't ...
  • Stats window will no longer be activated while it is opened/updated
  • Added new options to the giFTMui's MUI Settings, you can now load the settings from disk, save them to disk, restore current settings to the last saved, and restore and/or reset the settings to the defaults.
  • Fixed a parser error which has made the Gnutella HTTP requests to be incomplete/truncated causing the supernodes to ignore us and hence there was the problem with this plugin not being able to connect on the latest build.
  • Unfortunatelly there is somewhere some other issue which makes the plugin to take long time to reconnect on shutdown connections.. we should assume the problem comes from the "complicated" input and event notifications mechanism, which seems or probably isnt properly ported on the new shared libraries fashion, any help ?...
  • optimized/improved a bit gift.library's logging facility, while using GLOB_STDERR and GLOB_STDOUT we'll check if pr_COS and pr_CES (which fail back to pr_COS when isnt available) aren't the same and hence avoid logging to both filehandlers. Also giftd.log filesize was checked on each write, making a too unnecessary/possible overload... now only every 1000 writes will be checked, which should be ok as the filesize limit is 10MB ...
  • How FastTrack loads his banlist file and Gnutella loads his hostiles.txt file has been improved. Previously it was just Open()'ing the file and reading line-by-line, to read each line gift.library/file_read_line() was used, which function does "free-old-buffer > read-line-from-file > dup-line-to-memory", NOW we just "slurp" the whole file into memory and process it later internally in one step.
    PROS: should be working faster
    CONS: it needs the filesize's memory at once (about ~500KB)
  • The maximun number of connections which OpenFT guess at startup has been down to 30 (it was 255) ... you can always override that value by using the appropiate option (max_active)
  • How to request network statistics and how to launch the inspector has been changed... there may be now a bit more overload from the GUI but it will no longer require two standalone-signals on connection for the timers we used...
  • Searches by realm should be now working fine for all networks.
  • VerifyIncoming tool must be performed while the daemon isnt running, and giFTMui do not checked for that, Fixed.
  • Optimized how data is received from the daemon... For information, previously we was receiving line-by-line and then processed each line/packet, that data was received reading byte-by-byte until a CRLF is found, furthermore we checked if that was a multi-line string (comming from a "malformed" META data though), which slowed even more the process... NOW we just receive all data available at once, and the data received are procesed internally without congesting the socket...
  • There may be some situations where a Inspector could not work properly or fail without notice, those are RARE cases though!, What we have noticed is a little problem on the inspector process while a method is pushed to select the next entry on the downloads list, if in the process the user de-select the active entry or select an entry from the uploads list (which action automatically disables any active entry on the downloads list) once the pushed method take action on the next app loop the inspector will fail to continue as it was unable to get the information needed (from the active entry on the list) to launch a locator, at this step the inspector stopped working internally, but to the user eyes it is running (but doing nothing), and thats the only thing we have found buggy on the inspector procedure (at least for now), now if that happens the inspector will be properly fully aborted and in addition the user will be warned of the issue.
  • Ghosting of the Stop button when it is clicked didn't worked properly to be re-enabled while using multi-lists, Fixed.
  • Searches directed to the Ares network (by using giFTMui's protocol checkmark) and Locators launched for this same network wasn't working properly due a very stupid bug... the protocol name to be used on a search request and the check for online plugin state is fetched/detected given the network's HASH type, Ares uses "SHA1" and Gnutella "SHA", and on both functions we checked for the three first bytes of the Gnutella hash before than the Ares hash, making request directed to the Ares network interpreted like if what we wanted is about the Gnutella netowrk, FIXED!
  • Sometimes a Locator cannot stablish the connection to the daemon due the connect event isn't notifyed... fixed...(hopefully!, and hopefully without side effects..)
  • Fixed some string mismatch issues at, where updated strings at the build-in laungage wasn't at his time adapted as well on the catalog descriptor. Most important are string numbers #447, #417, #407, #380, #323, #321 where a formatting was changed (%s to %ld or viceversa), also strings #595, #593, #585, #593, #553, #166, #145, #142, #54 and #5 was minimal corrected for typos.
  • Some users reported a issue about the OpenFT nodes file ends with 0 bytes of size and making on the next run unable to connect to the network, with the need of the user manually replacing the file, well, first is needed to mention that this happens due OpenFT do not stores nodes where we was unable to connect, but theres some factors to consider which that plugin leave out...(ie, dynamic IPs, not a 24/7 node, etc), also I should mention that Im in doubt if theres a bug somewhere since that behaviour do not happens from the first porting of the plugin, or it wasn't reported on the very firsts builds IIRC, so there will be two workarround for now to that issue, 1) the nodes file size will be checked and deleted if his size is 0, forcing the plugin to copy the nodes from the data dir (amigift:daemon/data/openft/). 2) the plugin will check for the enviroment variable DONT_PURGE_OPENFT_NODES before updating the nodes to disk, if such variable is found it will NOT try to leave out nodes where we was unable to connect. NOTE this way of "fixing" that issue is TOO lame and hence subject to change...
  • Added a new giftd command-line option: TASKPRI/N Obviously is behaviour is to change the daemon task priority, giFTMui has a new slider object to change it as well.
  • giFTMui has been translated to Italian language, Thanks a lot to Samir Hawamdeh for his work.
  • German and Swedish catalogs contains some issues and has been renamed on the packages until they are fixed...
  • bzlib.library can be now loaded from amigift:libs/ as well
  • Starting a new search we will check now if any/some of the networks are online, warning the user if there is no online network and not proceding with the search then.
  • Default Ares port for giFTMui settings was missing, Fixed.
  • Requesters Timeout handling and downcheck was enabled by default where the appropiate is to have both disabled at a first run.
  • some very little internal fixes...

[Meldung: 31. Jul. 2006, 14:53] [Kommentare: 0]
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