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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
28.Nov.2005 Uploads bis 27.11.2005
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei
wok.lha                 gam/act    1Mb  Oddly attractive ball tossing game
viewilbm.lha            gra/vie  376kb  Displays IFF-ILBM pictures, supports col
wet.lha                 uti/wor  665kb  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
tunnel.lha              gam/act    1Mb  Weird Tunnel Racer shooter
tuxmath.lha             gam/chi    1Mb  Math game, mixed with Missile command
tuxtype.lha             gam/chi    4Mb  Learn how to spell / use the keyboard
towertoppler.lha        gam/mis    1Mb  Remake of the old classic Nebulous (Hews
blockattack.lha         gam/puz    5Mb  Tetris Attack Clone  (SNES)     net/bro   29kb  Aweb custom navigation buttons
amisnap_fx.lha          uti/wor   30kb  Iconify any window on your wb with FX
ahiusr.lha              aud/mis  783kb  Retargetable audio User's Archive
rockbeat.lha            aud/tra    1Mb  Create drumming tracks and export them a
ahidev.lha              dev/lib  971kb  Retargetable audio, Developer's Archive
linuxlunarlander.lha    gam/mis  772kb  Land Your Lunar
linuxshuttlelander.lha  gam/mis    1Mb  Land Your Space Shuttle!
cabextract.lha          uti/fil   36kb  Extraction tool for Windows CAB files
unshield.lha            uti/fil   42kb  Tool to extract Microsoft Cabinet Files
anotice_pl.lha          uti/tex    5kb  ANotice 2 - polish locale
avd_template.lha        dev/exa  194kb  AVD Template Project - Skeleton OS4 appl
sdl_perl.lha            dev/lib    2Mb  Simple DirectMedia Library Bindings for 
starvoyager.lha         gam/act  710kb  Startrek themed  network game
tankcommand.lha         gam/act    3Mb  Fast paced 2D arcade tank game
targetacquired.lha      gam/act  271kb  Yet Another Vertical scrolling shootem u
headtail.lha            uti/she   44kb  Show first/last n lines/chars/blocks of 
wbclose.lha             uti/she    6kb  Close drawers from the shell and scripts
wbopen.lha              uti/she    6kb  Open drawers and icons from the shell an
au_dt.lha               dat/sou   37kb  OS4 native Sun/NeXT .au datatype, with s
wave_dt.lha             dat/sou  113kb  An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with s
sdlroids.lha            gam/act  578kb  Yet Another Asteroids clone
spout.lha               gam/mis  189kb  an abstract caveflier , obscure as it ca
libablit.lha            dev/lib    2Mb  Alpha Channel Blit Library
abc-shell.tar.bz2       dev/uti  431kb  Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell
wookiechat.lha          net/cha  369kb  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)

[Meldung: 28. Nov. 2005, 01:06] [Kommentare: 0]
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