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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Compiler: vbcc 0.8i veröffentlicht
Der C-Compiler vbcc von Volker Barthelmann (Compiler-Kern) und Frank Wille (amigaspezifische Anpassungen) liegt nun in der Version 0.8i vor. Der Compiler unterstützt AmigaOS, AmigaOS4 und MorphOS sowie PowerUp und WarpOS und entspricht ISO-C gemäß ISO/IEC 9899:1989 sowie einer Teilmenge des neueren Standards ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C99).

Da die Unterstützung von fünf unterschiedlichen Systemen das Testen extrem zeitaufwendig macht, können Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Bitte unterstützen Sie die Autoren daher durch Rückmeldungen, wenn Sie auf solche Fehler oder anderweitige Probleme stoßen.

Die Änderungen gegenüber der Vorgängerversion:
  • New: PowerPC code generator: -baserel32os4 option enables an OS4-specific base-relative addressing mode, using 32-bit offsets to base register r2 (pointing to the beginning of the .data section)
  • New: PowerPC code generator: -baserel32mos option enables a MorphOS-specific base-relative addressing mode, using 32-bit offsets to base register r13 (pointing to .sdata + 32768)
  • New: vclib finally got the C99 functions snprintf() and vsnprintf()
  • Fixed -O3 optimizer bug in hennessy/queens benchmark
  • Fixed -O2 optimizer bug with const-pointers in a lopp
  • Fixed -O3 optimizer bug in gcc-testsuite 920501-6
  • Fixed -O3 optimizer bug in vbcc-testsuite test14, which optimized the function to nothing
  • Fixed other optimizer bugs which I forgot
  • 64-bit logical shift right didn't work with shift-counts > 32
  • fabs() was missing im WarpOS m.lib
  • New proto and inline headers for WarpOS and PowerUp
  • WarpOS libraries and headers use Warp3DPPC instead of Warp3D (which is 68k). Include Warp3DPPC inlines in proto/warp3d.h
  • M68k code generator: references _LinkerDB instead of _DATA_BAS_ (old PhxAss symbol) when a function has a __saveds attribute
  • MorphOS inlines have to include emul/emulregs.h even when not required by vbcc, but 3rd-party code may depend on it
  • The __ctype[] array in ctype.h got a const attribute
  • atoi(), strtoul(), strtol(), etc. erroneously read "1a" as 20
  • vlink: Empty .a archives are no longer rejected (OS4 newlib libm.a)
  • vlink: Fixed section-assignment using a linker script, which caused a section in some rare cases no being recognized by the linker (e.g. OS4 newlib startup.o)
  • vlink: Supports the new relocations required by -baserel32os4 and -baserel32mos
  • vasm68k: Fixed floating point constant conversion when running on little-endian hosts
  • vasmppc: Didn't allow comments behind a mnemonic without operands
  • vasmppc: Fixed a crash when a register-indirect addressing mode was not correctly recognized, e.g. in symbol@l+0(r3)
  • vasm: Hunk-format/EHF output module accessed already deallocated memory
  • fd2pragma: P96 support, PPC0/2-ABI (for Warp3DPPC) fixed
  • fd2pragma: MorphOS (sysv) and (sysv,r12base) support for FD files
  • fd2pragma: Do not create inline code for MUI_NewObject(), NewObject() and PM_MakeItem(). Otherwise the compiler's preprocessor gets confused

[Meldung: 08. Aug. 2005, 15:56] [Kommentare: 0]
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