Instant Messaging: Jabberwocky 1.6 (Preview 4)
Jabberwocky ist ein Instant-Messaging-Klient für AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4 und MorphOS. Änderungen in der neuesten Beta-Version:
- Changed minimum version for mailtext.mcc to 18.12.
- Numerous changes by Nicolas Sallin to eliminate compiler warnings for MorphOS.
- Unused variables removed, return values for some functions fixed and
missing function prototypes added by Nicolas.
- Missing default cases for several switch() functions added by Nicolas.
- Several programming errors corrected by Nicolas.
- Added environmental variable "jabberIPA" to set IP Address for file transfers
instead of using internally obtained IP Address. If the environmental
variable is not present Jabberwocky uses the internal address as before.
- Changed the functions of the 'URL' text gadget and 'Visit' button in the
Agents window to allow access to Transports on other Jabber servers.
The 'URL' label is changed to 'ServerID' to indicate it's new function.
Direkter Download:
OS 3: Jabberwocky_aos_v1_6pre4.lha (105 KB)
OS 4: Jabberwocky_os4_v1_6pre4.lha (165 KB)
MOS: Jabberwocky_mos_v1_6pre4.lha (120 KB) (cg)
[Meldung: 07. Jul. 2005, 22:44] [Kommentare: 7 - 11. Jul. 2005, 23:49]
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