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Aminet-Uploads bis 12.06.2005 (Teil 2)
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:

agima.mp3                   mods/mpg     12M  ALL  Agima - Psytrance tune from Transplant
alien.mp3                   mods/mpg    9.5M  ALL  Alien busters - Psytrance tune from Tran
deathstar.mp3               mods/mpg     12M  ALL  Deep inside - Psytrance tune from Transp
deepinside.mp3              mods/mpg     11M  ALL  Deep inside - Psytrance tune from Transp
earthquake.mp3              mods/mpg     12M  ALL  Earth quake - Psytrance tune from Transp
lukeskywalker.mp3           mods/mpg     11M  ALL  Luke Skywalker - Psytrance tune from Tra
NoJob.mp3                   mods/mpg    4.1M       A motif made by Stefano Maria Regattin
option-potion.lha           mods/mpg    5.1M  ALL  Audio from 64kb intro Amiga by Potion.
rockalive.mp3               mods/mpg    9.4M  ALL  Rock is alive - Psytrance tune from Tran
sommar.mp3                  mods/mpg    8.8M  ALL  Sommartider. Full quality Psytrance tune
2much4.lha                  mods/techn  165K  ALL  2 much 4 your brain - Techno by Emulate
4children.lha               mods/techn  128K  ALL  One for the children - Techno by Transpl
andnow.lha                  mods/techn  241K  ALL  And now this - Techno by Emulate
begonia.lha                 mods/techn  225K  ALL  Begonia multiflora  - Techno by Emulate
braindmg.lha                mods/techn  116K  ALL  Brain damage - Techno by Emulate
champion.lha                mods/techn   61K  ALL  Champion - Techno by Emulate
chicken.lha                 mods/techn  169K  ALL  Chicken on acid - Techno by Emulate
dance2beat.lha              mods/techn   97K  ALL  Techno by Slam (Emulate)
daydream.lha                mods/techn  227K  ALL  Day dream  - Techno by Emulate
emind.lha                   mods/techn   56K  ALL  M.I.N.D - Techno by Emulate
freermx.lha                 mods/techn  146K  ALL  Freedom rmx - Techno by Transplant
genetic.lha                 mods/techn   56K  ALL  Genetic smile - Techno by Transplant
hardattack.lha              mods/techn  102K  ALL  Hard attack - Techno by Transplant
hardrave.lha                mods/techn  108K  ALL  Hardcore rave - Techno by Transplant
hardtrash.lha               mods/techn   67K  ALL  Hard trash - Techno by Transplant
helio.lha                   mods/techn   93K  ALL  Helio tropium  - Techno by Emulate
highscore2.lha              mods/techn  179K  ALL  Highscore 2 - Techno by Transplant
lek.lha                     mods/techn   29K  ALL  Lek med mig - Techno by Transplant
likehard2.lha               mods/techn   84K  ALL  I like it hard 2 - Techno by Transplant
loops.lha                   mods/techn  137K  ALL  Loops of revolution - Techno by Transpla
lugnomania.lha              mods/techn   73K  ALL  Lugnomania - Techno by Transplant
madness.lha                 mods/techn  129K  ALL  Rave madness - Techno by Transplant
overdose.lha                mods/techn  105K  ALL  Overdose of acid - Techno by Transplant
placid.lha                  mods/techn  174K  ALL  Placid - Techno by Transplant
police.lha                  mods/techn   87K       The police - Techno by Emulate
system.lha                  mods/techn   51K  ALL  System ready - Techno by Transplant
themix.lha                  mods/techn  305K       The mix  - Techno by Emulate (ideas only
whynot.lha                  mods/techn  259K  ALL  Why not - Techno by Emulate
alien.lha                   mods/tranc  365K  ALL  Alien busters  - Trance by Transplant
alien89.lha                 mods/tranc  367K  ALL  Alien busters 89 RMX track from Transpla
chemical.lha                mods/tranc  324K  ALL  Chemical sound - Techno by Transplant
moonchild.lha               mods/tranc  266K  ALL  Moonchild - Trance by Transplant
rockalive.lha               mods/tranc  544K  ALL  Rock is alive - Psykadelic Rock track fr
sommar.lha                  mods/tranc  358K  ALL  Sommartider (Summer times) - Trance by T
sommar89.lha                mods/tranc  365K  ALL  Sommar tider (Summer times) 89 RMX - Tra
AmySequencer.lha            mus/edit    264K       MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
ExoticRip33.lha             mus/misc    231K  OS3  Extracts Musicmodules from Memory (c)200
exoticripper33.lha          mus/misc    231K  OS3  Extracts Soundmodules from Memory
playOGG.lha                 mus/play    982K  OS3  Plays OGG, MP3, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA, mods
simpleplay.lha              mus/play    493K  OS4  Plays OGG, WAV, VOC, MOD, S3M, IT, XM, M
soundmonplay.lha            mus/play     26K  MOS  SoundMon (BP) player library for MorphOS
uade-bin-nicomen.lha        mus/play    1.8M  OS4  Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator
uade-src-nicomen.lha        mus/play    8.5M  OS4  Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator
VirtualPaula.lha            mus/play     65K  MOS  Simple mixer library for MorphOS
1_2_3_os4.png               pix/back    1.3M  ALL  OS4 Wallpaper 1280x1024 png made with C4
aftertherain.png            pix/back    1.0M  ALL  OS4 Wallpaper 1280x1024 png made with C4
amigaballos4.png            pix/back    1.0M  ALL  OS4 Wallpaper 1280x1024 png made with C4
aoscubes.png                pix/back    711K  ALL  OS4 Wallpaper 1280x1024 png made with C4
ami-crystal.lha             pix/icon    403K  ALL  Ami Crystal first non Commercial PNG-Ico
nogravity_iconpack.lha      pix/icon     41K  ALL  Icon Pack for NoGravity OS4
Svirgel02.lha               pix/imagi   592K  ALL  Hi-res version of Svirgel02.lha
AP31Covers.lha              pix/misc    347K  ALL  AMiGa=PoWeR n°31 Covers Recto & Verso
AmigaOSGrabs.lha            pix/wb      2.0M  ALL  AmigaOS grabs 2000-2005
amigasys.jpg                pix/wb      269K  ALL  AmigaSYS on E-UAE
Euae_G5.jpg                 pix/wb      550K  ALL  E-uae running on a PowerMac G5
MorphOSGrabs.lha            pix/wb      2.5M  ALL  MorphOS grabs 2003-2005
guidecheck.lha              text/edit    97K  OS3  V1.23 AmigaGuide syntax checker (and mor
APLKonwerter.lha            text/misc    11K       Converts files with Polish chars (RxMUI)
figlet-221-morphos.lha      text/misc   310K       Makes big ASCII Characters
gb2jis-mos.lha              text/misc    95K  MOS  GuoBiao to JIS text converter
jis2gb-mos.lha              text/misc    92K  MOS  JIS to Guobiao text converter
msdos-amiga.lha             text/misc    41K  OS3  Convert MSDOS texts to AMIGA text format
SetupLJ.lha                 text/print   35K       Configure your HP LaserJet printer
Vorschau.lha                text/show    50K  OS3  WYSIWYG viewer for ASCII-Text
lha-pma-2-mos.lha           util/arc    146K  MOS  LHA-PMA 2 archiver/unarchiver
untarmeup.lha               util/arc     67K  OS4  Untar Me Up
ac-bootpic.lha              util/boot   333K  OS4  Animated boot pictures
meridian.lha                util/cdity  349K  DIV  V2.15 PDA like input system
ejecttool.lha               util/cli     11K  DIV  V2.17 Load/Eject/Toggle drive tray comma
HowDif.lha                  util/cli      9K  OS3  File comparison/examination utility
r.lha                       util/cli    237K       V2.15 Just in time GUIs for nearly any D
SOEsplit.lha                util/cli     25K  DIV  Split big files. SRC, 68k, MOS
AmiDisk_1.00.lha            util/dir    105K       File manager for OS4
akGIF-dt.lha                util/dtype   43K  DIV  AkGIF-dt V45.27 (GIF, 68000-060/MOS)
akJFIF-dt.lha               util/dtype  217K  DIV  AkJFIF-dt V45.28 (JPEG, 68000-060/MOS)
akPNG-dt.lha                util/dtype  213K  DIV  AkPNG-dt V45.15 (PNG, 68000-060/MOS)
akTIFF-dt.lha               util/dtype  308K  DIV  AkTIFF-dt V45.18 (TIFF, 68000-060/MOS)
au_dt.lha                   util/dtype   37K  OS4  OS4 native Sun/NeXT .au datatype, with s
cvs_amiga_bin.lha           util/gnu    2.0M  DIV  CVS version control system 1.11.19
cvs_amiga_src.lha           util/gnu    1.1M  DIV  CVS version control system 1.11.19
powersdl.lha                util/libs   774K  MOS  SDL audio and video library for MorphOS
amuidiff.lha                util/misc   242K  DIV  Displays differences of two text files u
Biorytmi_MOS.lha            util/misc    54K  DIV  Biorhythm program v1.04. SRC, 68k, MOS
diffutils-src_os4.lha       util/misc   1.2M  OS4  File comparison utilities (source)
diffutils_os4.lha           util/misc   377K  OS4  File comparison utilities
mzfriends.lha               util/misc   676K  OS4  Simple database program
tux_todo.lha                util/misc   292K  OS4  Tux ToDo List Manager
uaeconfig.lha               util/misc    49K  OS4  UAEConfig
sysdiag-0.1.4.lha           util/moni    30K  OS3  Memory testing and System diagnosis tool
xPackBest.lha               util/pack    22K  OS3  Pack using XPK, adaptive, recursive
wet.lha                     util/wb     601K  OS4  Show weather conditions on Workbench (OS

[Meldung: 13. Jun. 2005, 12:34] [Kommentare: 2 - 13. Jun. 2005, 13:14]
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