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Aminet: Uploads bis 18.02.2005 (Teil 2)
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:

imdbDiff041105.lha          misc/imdb   3.3M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041112.lha          misc/imdb   3.6M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041119.lha          misc/imdb   3.4M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041126.lha          misc/imdb   3.9M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041203.lha          misc/imdb   3.1M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041210.lha          misc/imdb   3.5M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041217.lha          misc/imdb   3.2M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041224.lha          misc/imdb   1.8M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041231.lha          misc/imdb   3.8M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff050107.lha          misc/imdb   3.7M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff050114.lha          misc/imdb   3.2M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff050121.lha          misc/imdb   3.7M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff050128.lha          misc/imdb   3.8M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff050204.lha          misc/imdb   4.4M  2005-02-13  Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
9Lives.lha                  mods/cust   235K  2005-02-13  Custom module from "9 Lives" - (readme)
BardsTale.lha               mods/cust   61K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Bard's Tale" - (readme)
BardsTale2.lha              mods/cust   61K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Bard's Tale II" - (readme)
CrackDown.lha               mods/cust   47K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Crack Down" - (readme)
DragonsLairdem.lha          mods/cust   179K  2005-02-13  Custom module from "Dragon's Lair" demo - (readme)
Gauntlet2.lha               mods/cust   112K  2005-02-13  Custom module from "Gauntlet II" - (readme)
Imperium.lha                mods/cust   55K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Imperium" - (readme)
IndianaJones3.lha           mods/cust   40K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Indiana Jones and The - (readme)
IronLord.lha                mods/cust   16K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Iron Lord" - (readme)
JoeAndMac.lha               mods/cust   171K  2005-02-13  Custom module from "Joe & Mac - Caveman N - (readme)
Loom.lha                    mods/cust   54K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Loom" - (readme)
Neuromancer.lha             mods/cust   14K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Neuromancer" - (readme)
ReturnToAtlant.lha          mods/cust   77K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Return To Atlantis" - (readme)
SDI.lha                     mods/cust   10K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "S.D.I." - (readme)
SkyFox2.lha                 mods/cust   20K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Sky Fox II" - (readme)
SpaceAcedemo.lha            mods/cust   269K  2005-02-13  Custom modules from "Space Ace" demo - (readme)
StarGlider.lha              mods/cust   140K  2005-02-13  Custom module from "StarGlider" - (readme)
Supremacy.lha               mods/cust   190K  2005-02-13  Custom modules from "Supremacy" - (readme)
SwordsOfTwil.lha            mods/cust   42K   2005-02-13  Custom module from "Swords Of Twilight" - (readme)
windsurfcustom.lha          mods/cust   129K  2005-02-16  A Module composed by Pete/Enigma/Reality - (readme)
Candlelight.mpg             mods/mpg    2.3M  2005-02-13  Candle Light at Advent - (readme)
dalliance.mpg               mods/mpg    1.1M  2005-02-13  Dark alliance. PsyTrance (demo) tune from - (readme)
dcatacombs.mpg              mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-13  Deep catacombs. PsyTrance (demo) tune fro - (readme)
drumattack.mpg              mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-13  Drum attack. PsyTrance (demo) tune from T - (readme)
eyeball.mpg                 mods/mpg    9.5M  2005-02-13  Eyeball. Electro/Trance (MP3) tune from E - (readme)
hovestax.mpg                mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-13  High on vestax. PsyTrance (demo) tune fro - (readme)
inhale.mpg                  mods/mpg    8.4M  2005-02-13  Inhale (Eskimoes). Trance rmx by Emulate - (readme)
invaders.mpg                mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-13  Invaders. PsyTrance (demo) tune from Tran - (readme)
katakara.mpg                mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-13  KatakaRa. PsyTrance (demo) tune from Tran - (readme)
loveletters.mpg             mods/mpg    11M   2005-02-13  Love letters. Classic Trance (MP3) tune f - (readme)
robotattack.mpg             mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-14  Robot attack. PsyTrance (demo) tune from - (readme)
WarCrimes.mpg               mods/mpg    1.9M  2005-02-13  Music of war and oppression upbeat rythmi - (readme)
wessens.mpg                 mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-14  Whiskey essens. PsyTrance (demo) tune fro - (readme)
wildchicken.mpg             mods/mpg    1.0M  2005-02-14  Wild chicken. PsyTrance (demo) tune from - (readme)
aifc2wav_3_mos.lha          mus/edit    20K   2005-02-13  aifc2wav 3 - (readme)
mp3ai_mos.lha               mus/edit    36K   2005-02-13  mp3ai - (readme)
scm2wav_0.1_mos.lha         mus/edit    17K   2005-02-16  Scm2wav 0.1 - (readme)
scm2wav_mos.lha             mus/edit    17K   2005-02-14  Scm2wav 0.1 - (readme)
nallepuh_os4.lha            mus/misc    316K  2005-02-13  Redirects any (hw-banging) sound program - (readme)
AmigaAMP.lha                mus/play    541K  2005-02-13  MPEG audio player with GUI (68k/PPC) - (readme)
anrtransplant.lha           mus/play    11K   2005-02-13  Transplant skin for AmiNetRadio - (readme)
EP_FuturePlay.lha           mus/play    12K   2005-02-13  EaglePlayer "Future Player" external repl - (readme)
EP_JeroenTel.lha            mus/play    14K   2005-02-13  EaglePlayer "Jeroen Tel" external replaye - (readme)
EP_JoHippel.lha             mus/play    10K   2005-02-13  EaglePlayer "Jochen Hippel" external play - (readme)
mp3play.lha                 mus/play    137K  2005-02-13  V1.6.0 keyboard based really advanced gui - (readme)
playOGG.lha                 mus/play    530K  2005-02-13  Sound player for the OGG Vorbis sound for - (readme)
proplayeros4.lha            mus/play    83K   2005-02-14  AHI Protracker player (AOS4) - (readme)
AmiSunset.jpg               pix/back    139K  2005-02-13  Ami sunset backdrop (1280x1024) - (readme)
AsciiRules1.jpg             pix/back    59K   2005-02-13  Amiga rules backdrop (1280x1024) - (readme)
AsciiRules2.jpg             pix/back    59K   2005-02-13  Amiga rules backdrop (1280x1024) - (readme)
AsciiRules3.jpg             pix/back    60K   2005-02-13  Amiga rules backdrop (1280x1024) - (readme)
micollection.lha            pix/gicon   5.1M  2005-02-13  Masonicons collection 2000-2003 - (readme)
os4icons.lha                pix/gicon   89K   2005-02-16  Old 3.9 icons for os4 - (readme)
usbdiskicon.lha             pix/gicon   16K   2005-02-17  USB flash-disk default glow icons - (readme)
cardmi.lha                  pix/icon    10K   2005-02-17  Glowicons (256 Colours) for Mass Storage - (readme)
cardmipng.lha               pix/icon    10K   2005-02-17  PNGIcons for Memory Cards - (readme)
os4gnomeicons.lha           pix/icon    642K  2005-02-17  Gnome PNG icon set for Amiga OS4 - (readme)
os4icons.lha                pix/icon    89K   2005-02-13  Old 3.9 icons for os4 - (readme)
proudleduck.jpg             pix/illu    18K   2005-02-14  Hand drawing picture of seraphim proudled - (readme)
seraphim-proud.jpg          pix/illu    18K   2005-02-14  Hand drawing picture of seraphim proudled - (readme)
seraphim-proudleduck.jpg    pix/illu    18K   2005-02-16  Hand drawing picture of seraphim proudled - (readme)
AP29Covers.lha              pix/misc    355K  2005-02-13  AMiGa=PoWeR n°29 Covers Recto & Verso - (readme)
GS_Cats-BD.lha              pix/misc    268K  2005-02-13  2 Manga/Anime Backdrops - GunSmith Cats - (readme)
Localeflags.lha             pix/misc    55K   2005-02-13  Flags for Locale of OS 3.5-3.9 - (readme)
os1.3likehirespointers.lha  pix/misc    96K   2005-02-16  Os 1.3 like pointers for OS4 - (readme)
Link-Fonts.lha              text/bfont  12K   2005-02-13  Nice! Bitmap-Fonts, Topaz-Replacement - (readme)
amitex.lha                  text/edit   249K  2005-02-16  Text editor (French and english versions) - (readme)
Amitex_5.00.lha             text/edit   249K  2005-02-13  Text editor (French and english versions) - (readme)
antiword_os4.lha            text/edit   732K  2005-02-17  Antiword converts the binary files from W - (readme)
QuickSketch.lha             text/edit   21K   2005-02-13  A simple WB-prg to sketch and write in. - (readme)
Textloader.lha              text/edit   639K  2005-02-13  TextEd (V 8.3) german/english SuperED!! - (readme)
WWorth_fincats.lha          text/edit   27K   2005-02-13  Wordworth 3,4 & 7 Finnish catalogs - (readme)
xpdftools_3.00.lha          text/edit   5.2M  2005-02-16  Xpdftools 3.00 - (readme)
guideml.lha                 text/hyper  77K   2005-02-13  AmigaGuide -> HTML converter with GUI - (readme)
guidemlppc.lha              text/hyper  101K  2005-02-13  AmigaGuide -> HTML converter with GUI for - (readme)
APLKonwerter.lha            text/misc   5K    2005-02-16  Convert files: AmigaPL<->Windows (RxMUI) - (readme)
geekcode_1.7.3.lha          text/misc   80K   2005-02-13  geekcode 1.7.3 - (readme)
geekcode_1.7.3_mos.lha      text/misc   80K   2005-02-16  Geekcode 1.7.3 - (readme)
geekcode_mos.lha            text/misc   80K   2005-02-14  Geekcode 1.7.3 - (readme)
man2web_0.88_mos.lha        text/misc   51K   2005-02-16  Man2web 0.88 - (readme)
man2web_mos.lha             text/misc   51K   2005-02-14  Man2web 0.88 - (readme)
Pdftohtml_0.36.lha          text/misc   515K  2005-02-13  Pdftohtml 0.36 - (readme)
psmark_2.1_mos.lha          text/misc   31K   2005-02-13  psmark 2.1 - (readme)
supermanppc.lha             text/misc   157K  2005-02-17  Show the User a directory of documents to - (readme)
unroff.lha                  text/misc   50K   2005-02-16  V2.0 - Remove Backspace-chars from nroff - (readme)
bibvision.lha               text/show   150K  2005-02-13  Bible text viewer for 68k/WOS/OS4 V1.6 - (readme)
bzip2_1.0.2.lha             util/arc    439K  2005-02-13  bzip2 1.0.2 - (readme)
lha.lha                     util/arc    123K  2005-02-13  lha 2.8 os4-native - (readme)
rearg.lha                   util/batch  4K    2005-02-17  Adds flexibility to Alias command - (readme)
startmeup.lha               util/boot   83K   2005-02-16  A startup files manager - (readme)
TagLiFE.lha                 util/boot   7K    2005-02-18  TagList-FastExecutable patch with source - (readme)
Assign-morphos.lha          util/cli    17K   2005-02-13  Unofficial experimental "Assign" command - (readme)
banner_mos.lha              util/cli    34K   2005-02-14  Banner 1.3.1 - (readme)
CDIDtools.lha               util/cli    9K    2005-02-13  3 CDID tools - AudioCD ID - (readme)
EasyHex.lha                 util/cli    4K    2005-02-13  View the header on large files as hex - (readme)
HowDif.lha                  util/cli    9K    2005-02-13  File comparison/examination utility - (readme)
TestSound.lha               util/cli    5K    2005-02-13  plays a test sound via all 4 audio channe - (readme)
Tree178.lha                 util/cli    19K   2005-02-13  Lists Directory content tree-like - (readme)
vcdgear176.lha              util/conv   689K  2005-02-16  MPEG-Video conversion/extraction/repair t - (readme)
deepdt.lha                  util/dtype  41K   2005-02-17  Loads IFF DEEP and TVPP files (TVPaint pr - (readme)
cvs-1.11.4.lha              util/gnu    993K  2005-02-13  CVS 1.11.4 - Concurrent Versions System ( - (readme)
libytnef.lha                util/gnu    61K   2005-02-13  Library for decoding winmail.dat files. v - (readme)
ytnef.lha                   util/gnu    124K  2005-02-16  Decodes winmail.dat files. v2.6 - (readme)
MathLibs881.lha             util/libs   21K   2005-02-13  free 68881/2 mathlibs with source +bonus, - (readme)
AllKeys.lha                 util/misc   7K    2005-02-13  Use ALL mapped rawkeys which includes Mul - (readme)
confgui.lha                 util/misc   72K   2005-02-17  GUI builder for configuration files - (readme)
DagensTV.lha                util/misc   32K   2005-02-13  Viewer for the TV-guide e-mail from Dagen - (readme)
killwingui.lha              util/misc   59K   2005-02-17  Kills the windows of crashed apps - (readme)
MPlayer-GUI.lha             util/misc   15K   2005-02-13  GUI for MPlayer for OS4 - (readme)
MultiRen.lha                util/misc   200K  2005-02-13  Powerful multi-file renaming tool (MUI) - (readme)
nrg2iso_0.4.lha             util/misc   25K   2005-02-13  Nrg2iso 0.4 - (readme)
ReportPlus.lha              util/misc   297K  2005-02-13  Report+ 6.12a: Multipurpose utility - (readme)
tellme.lha                  util/misc   20K   2005-02-16  TellMe script for OS4 and OS3.9 - (readme)
SysCheck14t.lha             util/moni   41K   2005-02-13  System List Monitor - (readme)
unrar-bin.lha               util/pack   195K  2005-02-16  Unpacks RAR files - (readme)
HW-ARexx-Hack.lha           util/rexx   6K    2005-02-13  Parallel And Games Port Access Using ARex - (readme)
winuae-hr.lha               util/sys    7K    2005-02-16  Usefull stuff for Croatian WinUAE users - (readme)
bin-clock_mos.lha           util/time   30K   2005-02-16  Binary-clock 0.5 - (readme)
binary-clock_m.lha          util/time   30K   2005-02-14  Binary-clock 0.5 - (readme)
DCF77.lha                   util/time   490K  2005-02-13  Radio clock receiver, clock, time signal - (readme)
clink.lha                   util/wb     9K    2005-02-13  Adds a menu item to create filesystem lin - (readme)
limpidclock.lha             util/wb     63K   2005-02-18  Transparent clock / calendar - (readme)
os4reboot.lha               util/wb     54K   2005-02-18  Reboot utility for AmigaOS4 - (readme)
RandomWBPatt.lha            util/wb     32K   2005-02-13  Timer controled Slideshow-like random WBP - (readme)
saveramdisk.lha             util/wb     19K   2005-02-14  Save the fixed Position of the RamDisk - (readme)
titleclock.lha              util/wb     7K    2005-02-17  Display the date and time in the WB title - (readme)
wallpaper_tj.lha            util/wb     4K    2005-02-13  Workbench backdrop picture in fast RAM - (readme)
wet.lha                     util/wb     222K  2005-02-17  Show weather conditions in WB titlebar (O - (readme)

[Meldung: 19. Feb. 2005, 04:22] [Kommentare: 2 - 22. Feb. 2005, 14:23]
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