os4depot.net: Uploads bis 03.01.2005
Die seit unserer letzten Meldung hinzugekommenen Uploads bei os4depot.net:
cardmipng.lha gra/ico 10kb PNGIcons for Mass Storage Devices
os4reboot.lha uti/wor 52kb Reboot utility for OS4
freedb_copytracks.lha aud/mis 8kb ARexx script for FreeDB to create MP3 tracks
ls120 dri/sto 349b LS120 Driver
avisplice.lzx vid/edi 55kb avisplice merges multiple AVI files into one.
diskspeed.lha uti/ben 52kb Old speed testing programs ported to OS4
normalize.lha aud/edi 785kb normalizes the volume of soundfiles
bladeenc.lha aud/edi 589kb blade mp3 encoder
jpgtools.lha gra/edi 307kb Independent JPEG Group tools
qadsl.tar net/mis 210kb Utility to "auto login" on some Swedish ISP
ramspeed.lha uti/ben 52kb measures bandwidth of cache & memory subsystems
os4touch.lha uti/fil 16kb Touch file dates with pattern matching
sploiner.lha uti/fil 137kb Tool for splitting large files
pdftohtml.lha uti/tex 872kb converts pdf to html
source-highlight.lha uti/tex 2Mb convert sources files to html, xhtml, ascii
sox.lha aud/edi 2Mb Sound eXchange : universal sound sample translator
vorbistools.lha aud/edi 2Mb OggVorbis tools
gamelife.lha dem/mis 34kb Game of Life
snowflakes.lha dem/mis 31kb Snow simulator
atari800.lha emu/com 302kb V2.3 of the Atari800 Emulator (OS4)
compress.lha uti/arc 71kb Packer for .Z (UNIX) files
scsispeed4.zip uti/ben 36kb Scsispeed for OS4
nethack.lha gam/rol 2Mb NetHack - classical RPG
mp3gain.lha aud/edi 133kb MP3Gain - changes the volume of mp3s
xmamegui.lha emu/gam 106kb GUI for the OS4 xMAME port v0.11
real_iconz.lha gra/ico 11Mb Amiga PNG Icons for use with Power Icons
[Meldung: 03. Jan. 2005, 21:40] [Kommentare: 6 - 04. Jan. 2005, 14:48]
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