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Genesi (E-Mail)

MorphOS-Vorführung beim Motorola SNDF in Dallas und Frankfurt
Wie Genesi mitteilt, werden der Pegasos und MorphOS bei den diesjährigen Smart Developer Network Forum-Veranstaltungen von Motorola in Dallas (26. - 29. April) und Frankfurt (28. - 30. September) vorgeführt.

Lesen Sie im folgenden die Original-Pressemitteilung:

MorphOS to be demonstrated at the 2004 Motorola Smart Developer Network Forums in Dallas and Frankfurt.

The Motorola SNDF brings together key engineers, architects and executives at the forefront of the embedded systems, networking and communications equipment fields. SNDF also offers the opportunity to connect with key analysts and members of the press. SNDF attracts leading trade press and analysts who cover semiconductor, software and system-level products for the embedded systems, networking and telecommunications industry. Genesi will feature the Open Desktop Workstation, the Pegasos, various versions of LinuxPPC running embedded development tools, and MorphOS.

Details and registration information can be obtained here. (snx)

[Meldung: 13. Mär. 2004, 10:31] [Kommentare: 11 - 14. Mär. 2004, 01:16]
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