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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Rupert Hausberger (ANF)

SoftRAID für AmigaOS: URD 0.2 beta
Von "URD", einem SoftRAID für AmigaOS, wurde heute v0.2 beta veröffentlicht. Änderungen seit der letzten Version:

ADD - added
REM - removed
IMP - improved
CHG - changed
FIX - fixed
BMP - bump

  • ADD: Beside from the normal array operation, it's now possible to directly mount into a level. This can be helpfull if a mirror seems defect.
  • ADD: Now each device in an array has a superblock. Will be used for recovery-tools later.
  • IMP: Functionality for handling possible errors improved.
  • IMP: Logging-functions now faster and smaller.
  • ADD: The logging- and errorfeedback-options can be modified on the fly without the need of dismounting the array to make the new options working.
  • ADD: The URD-own command-set for reading, writing and updating the array is now basicly implemented. More details on this API later.
  • CHG: Of course many small changes and improvements done not listed here.
  • BMP: revision to 2

[Meldung: 19. Feb. 2004, 18:21] [Kommentare: 0]
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