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Genesi: OpenBSD / participation in Infosecurity 2003
As Genesi announced in a press release the Pegasos OpenBSD version has now been integrated into the official OpenBSD source tree.

The company also stresses the significiance of OpenBSD, for the time being available in version 3.4, for installations that need a high security level and then pointed out the participation of Genesi at the booth of ShopIP Security Solutions at the InfoSecurity 2003 fair in New York from December, 8th to December, 11th. They'll show the Pegasos II running OpenBSD 3.4 there.

Soon would the Pegasos be available configured as a "Crunchbox Pegasos" that could be sold to distributed network clients as "super firewall".

Genesi's OpenBSD Pegasos site can be found under (snx) (Translation: wk)

[Meldung: 08. Nov. 2003, 20:16] [Kommentare: 0]
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