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Amiga RC5 Team

Neues vom Amiga RC5 Team
Das Amiga RC5 Team gibt folgende Neuigkeiten bekannt: It has been quiet for a while as clients are stable so the sixth anniversary of the effort has gone by quietly, but rest assured the efforts are still on track. A note on OGR-24 completion: the completion bar at D.Net has been sitting at 100% for quite a while now, this is due to the hard to quantify nature of how much work OGR stubs represent, the simple math that generates the completion percentage is apparently a bit optimistic. Some minor work still remains (lots of stubs that take seconds to minutes to complete), these will probably done by D.Net themselves as it would not be worth burdening the network with. There is no projected date for completion though. The same goes for OGR-25 currently sitting at 77.80%. (nba)

[Meldung: 10. Okt. 2003, 15:08] [Kommentare: 0]
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