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Merlancia Industries

Merlancia: Reservierung des Merlancia Amiga MCC 1000 und 1200 möglich
Merlancia Industries nimmt ab sofort Reservierungen für die angekündigten Computer-Serien Merlancia Amiga MCC 1000 (AMD x86) oder Merlancia Amiga MCC 1200 (IBM PowerPC) entgegen. Lesen Sie im Folgenden die komplette Mitteilung:

Starting September 4th 2003: If you would like to be one of the first to purchase a Merlancia Amiga MCC 1000 or 1200 Series Computer upon their release in a few weeks, please send an email to . The subject line should be "I wish to reserve an MCC."

In your email, please state which computer you would like to purchase, along with your real name, email address, and City and State location if you are a US resident, or your City and Country location if you reside outside of the US. Emails not containing the requested information will be ignored, and will not be acknowledged.

We will add your name to the list of those who will be the first to be able to purchase these new machines as soon as they are ready to ship. The first production run of machines will be a limited number of units, and they will be offered for purchase to those who have followed these instructions, in the order the emails were received.

Please do not send more than one email. Your email will be acknowledged with a reply that it was received.

Your email must come from a legitimate ISP address, not from a "throwaway" address such as or

For specifics on these new computers, please refer to Merlancia Press Release #MIND27082003. (nba)

[Meldung: 04. Sep. 2003, 15:07] [Kommentare: 0]
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