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Aminet Uploads bis 27.08.2003
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
eggdrop-1.6.12.lha   comm/irc   1.0M+Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot;
hypermail.lha        comm/mail  446K+Takes mail msgs and generates HTML docum
LCR-I.lha            comm/misc   79K+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
bnclient-0.1.lha     comm/tcp    49K+A ncurses based Client
curl-7.10.5.lha      comm/tcp   2.4M+Transfer files with URL syntax
gnuyahoo.lha         comm/tcp   706K+Yahoo Messenger
gofish-0.27.lha      comm/tcp    79K+Gopher Daemon
hotwayd-0.5.3.lha    comm/tcp   1.8M+Hotway Daemon, the POP3 gateway to Hotma
wget-1.8.2.lha       comm/tcp   1.8M+Non-interactive download of files from t
wget-NoSSL.lha       comm/tcp   936K+Non-interactive download of files from t
fistpig.lha          demo/intro   5K+FistPig, 4k intro from Assembly 2003
humus4.lha           demo/intro   8K+Humus4, 4k intro from Assembly 2003
sfl-mind.lha         demo/intro  63K+Mindflux -Party version- by Software Fai
spbotani.lha         demo/intro  44K+Lost in Otaniemi, OCS 64k intro
yellow_rose_mo.lha   demo/intro 100K+Yellow Rose of Texas, 4k intro winner AS
jrm-hata.lha         demo/sound 328K+DA JoRMaS: H t  (3rd at Assembly 2003 ol
tox.lha              dev/c       19K+Simple tokenizer for XML
highlight-1.2.lha    dev/misc   128K+Converts source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF
nA_6502.lha          dev/src      4K+6502 + 65C02 SALLY (NOT FULL) Emulation 
nA_AMIKA10.lha       dev/src      6K+Amika: text-coder asm source
nA_Z80.lha           dev/src      9K+Z80 Disassembler Source
FryingPan.lha        disk/cdrom 1.4M+A tool for burning CDs
RealAmigaWorld.txt   docs/anno    5K+New Real Amiga-Mania World IRC Channel i
obligement40.lha     docs/mags  1.6M+Obligement #40 - The Famous FRENCH fanzi
ProGammon.lha        game/board 118K+Great backgammon game with AGA/UAE suppo
DAmiKissSDK.lha      game/misc  331K+Deluxe AmiKiss SDK
Elevators.lha        game/misc   32K+Fun little elevators control game.
2Decide.lha          game/think 527K+Strategy. Supports themes. Now opensourc
Aye_Q.lha            game/wb     43K+My version of a peg game...
Hexit.lha            game/wb     44K+Try to match an hexagonal shaped pattern
Lights.lha           game/wb     43K+Turn on the lights!
Quad_Q.lha           game/wb     43K+A peg game with 4 sizes of game boards!
ImageMagick.lha      gfx/conv    14M+Collection of tools to manipulate (over 
swftools-0.4.4.lha   gfx/conv   3.0M+Collection of tools for the manipulation
swftools-040.lha     gfx/conv   3.0M+Collection of tools for the manipulation
DIYrekoIII.lha       gfx/ifx     48K+Create REKO, Soliton and AS-... cardsets
Reko2As.lha          gfx/ifx      2K+Convert Reko cardsets to AS-.....
ploticus.lha         gfx/misc   4.6M+Data display engine.
Sv5-1.lha            gfx/misc   558K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 1/8
Sv5-2.lha            gfx/misc   155K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 2/8
Sv5-3a.lha           gfx/misc   127K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 3a/8
Sv5-3b.lha           gfx/misc   328K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 3b/8
Sv5-4.lha            gfx/misc    38K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 4/8
Sv5-5.lha            gfx/misc   143K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 5/8
Sv5-6.lha            gfx/misc   158K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 6/8 (opt
Sv5-7.lha            gfx/misc   158K+SView5 V1.22 (16.8.2003) - Part 7/8 (opt
Sv5-IFX.lha          gfx/misc    14K+SView5 - ImageFX loader/saver V1.2 (16.8
netpbm-10.12.lha     gfx/pbm    6.0M+Toolkit for manipulation of graphic imag
Thanksgiving.lha     mods/mpg   4.6M+The finale of Sunday Suite on Pipe Organ
mbp.lha              mods/pro   247K+Three mods made by Pista
djnick-djo.lha       mods/slow  250K+Dance song by djnick/d-tronic
abcm2ps-3.5.3.lha    mus/misc   401K+Converts music tunes from ABC format to 
flac-1.1.0.lha       mus/misc   3.1M+Lossless audio codec
lame-3.93.1.lha      mus/misc   507K+Lame  Ain't  an  MP3  Encoder
AmigaWriterPNG.lha   pix/icon    22K+Replacement PNGIcon for AmigaWriter
ArtEffectPNG.lha     pix/icon    22K+Replacement PNGIcon for ArtEffect 4
IBrowsePNG.lha       pix/icon    23K+Replacement PNGIcon for IBrowse
CatCon_2d_3d.lha     pix/misc   4.2M+CATCON PARTY 2D & #D GRAPHICS
obligement-39.jpg    pix/misc    34K+Obligement's cover n 39
obligement-40.jpg    pix/misc    43K+Obligement's cover n 40
MrCarlitoWb-02.jpg   pix/wb     233K+Screenshot of my Workbench 3.9 
PetersDarkWB.jpg     pix/wb     746K+Another screenshot of my workbench
BareED_Alone.lha     text/edit  264K+Simple text editor which supports propor
dbacl-1.3.lha        text/misc  585K+DBACL - digramic Bayesian classifier
bibcursed.lha        text/tex    63K+BibTeX bibliographies editor.
FEval.lha            util/cli     7K+Floating point RPN shell eval
gruftistats.lha      util/cli    83K+Produces statistics web pages from IRC l
java2html-1.7.lha    util/cli   112K+Convert JAVA files to syntax highlightin
webalizer-040.lha    util/cli   1.1M+The Webalizer - A web server log file an
webalizer.lha        util/cli   1.0M+The Webalizer - A web server log file an
AIBB_AXP2166.lha     util/sys     2K+AIBB module results AXP2166_EMU040
RandomWBPatt.lha     util/wb     30K+Timer controled Slideshow-like random WB

[Meldung: 27. Aug. 2003, 17:59] [Kommentare: 0]
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