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AmithlonTV (Website)

TV-Kartentreiber: AmithlonTV Beta-Version 347
Guido Mersmann hat heute die Beta-Version 347 der TV-Kartentreiber-Software AmithlonTV mit mehreren kleineren Updates und Verbesserungen veröffentlicht.

Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha

  • FEATURE: Added the missing "external" hardware type. This type is useful when creating non supported hardware or non hardware sources like frogger.
  • FEATURE: New tv card "PowerColor MTV878" supported. Thanks to Harald Frank for sending me the card.
  • FEATURE: Most of the card can use a second (!!) VHS (FBAS/Composite) input just by updating AmithlonTV. If you ever wished to have a second composite insteed of the SVHS (S-Video) input, then your dreams come true. Now you get both! All you need is a special VHS->S-VHS input cable to successfully connect your input signal. Most graphic boards with TV-Out are providing such cable. Beside the fact the chinch is male (use a chinch gender changer) this cable may not work. Mine has input/output connected, so it works in both directions. Just give it a try before wasting money.
    NOTE: Giftware means sending me a gift not considering AmithlonTV as a gift!
  • FEATURE: Invented a remote control standard and wrote the first driver for the "PowerColor MTV878". Using a remote is so cool! For the next AmithlonTV presentation I need a remote control. (-8.
    NOTE: If you are waiting for a version which supports your card, then you may wait forever. Make a TVCardDump and sent it in. In the most cases the card is running within minutes.
  • CHANGED: I did many small changes to the drivers and the library core.

[Meldung: 20. Jul. 2003, 14:48] [Kommentare: 7 - 22. Jul. 2003, 21:50]
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