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Russ Norrby owner Mr. Hardware Computers (ANF)

Mr. Hardware Computers will be at AmiWest 2003
Mr. Hardware Computers is happy to announce for the 1st time we will be at AmiWest July 26-27 2003. We will have AmigaOne G3XE & G4XE motherboards and systems for sale. Call in advance to reserve a system to your specs. We will have our popular PC-Amiga Multimedia Keyboard adapters MRHK-2D instock and also our newer Mouse adapters the MRH Mouse instock. Our SBase4Pro v1.36 (formerly SuperBase) will be on sale. Also many other programs and hardware. Let us know what you want before and we will try to have it. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Jun. 2003, 22:26] [Kommentare: 4 - 25. Jun. 2003, 17:27]
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