Cloanto (E-Mail)
Emulator: Amiga Forever 5.3 erschienen / Einladung zur A3
Cloanto hat heute Version 5.3 von Amiga Forever, dem offiziellen
Amiga-Emulator für PCs, freigegeben. Das Update beinhaltet neue Features und verbesserte
Emulations-Komponenten sowie eine neue Version des Software-Managers.
Enthalten ist außerdem Version 7.1c des Malprogramms Personal Paint.
Die Cross-Plattform-Version von Amiga Forever 5.3 enthält eine verbesserte
Unterstützung für Amiga-Emulationen auf Mac OS X-Systemen. Lesen Sie im
Anschluss die englischsprachige Original-Meldung mit weiteren Informationen
und Details zur hier bereits angekündigten Messe "Amiga Alpe Adria 2003".
- June 4th, 2003 - For Immediate Release -
Cloanto released today version 5.3 of Amiga Forever, the official Amiga
emulation and connectivity package for PCs. New features include
improved emulation components and new versions of Software Manager and
Personal Paint, Cloanto's award-winning paint software, now available in
version 7.1c. The cross-platform version of Amiga Forever 5.3 includes
better support for Amiga emulation configurations on Mac OS X. The Amiga
Forever Home Page at amigaforever.com keeps being frequently updated,
and the numerous articles in the FAQ section continue to attract a
constantly growing number of Amiga emulation users.
Cloanto also released a new stand-alone version of Software Manager,
available for free download from cloanto.com, which is able to detect
installed versions of WinUAE, WinFellow, DirectX and other Windows
components required by various emulation programs (e.g. OpenGL on
Windows 95, etc.). This new version of Software Manager is independent
of Amiga Forever, and can be used by all Amiga emulation users. The
software is completely free and does neither include any type of
"adware" or "spyware", nor send any information about installed
Amiga Alpe Adria 2003, a show organized by Cloanto Italia srl and aiming
to embody the spirit of friendship and diversity which the Amiga name
and philosophy represent since the early 1980s, will be held in Udine,
Italy, on July 5th. The event home page is at http://aaa2003.org, and
includes low fare airline specials, sightseeing information and links to
nearby music festivals and cultural events. Cloanto and the Amiga Alpe
Adria support team would like to invite you to the show, and look
forward to making you have a great time in Italy!
- Links -
[Meldung: 04. Jun. 2003, 13:41] [Kommentare: 2 - 04. Jun. 2003, 14:15]
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