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Kicko (ANF)

Music: Access Virus MIDI commands for tracks&fields 0.4
Kicko writes:
First i appologise for sending this info in the german part of The problem is when using long dir/filenames t&f wouldnt show the commands in commandslist. To solve this i have renamed the VirusPageA-C dirs to VirusA-C. Then in t&f in config window use an assign like V: to tf:commands and it will work.

But remember that you have to reload every commandn in list to use the V: assign instead. There is other solutions too like renaming the command names too. Many of them are numbered like 000.bankchange.cmd. You can rename it like bankchange.cmd. And also you can copy the commands you like from the virus drawers to the actually tf:commands and use them from there. Its upto you. Im not good in assembler so i cant fix it. Maybe someone can do it for me? (ps)

[Meldung: 25. Mär. 2003, 13:37] [Kommentare: 3 - 25. Mär. 2003, 18:49]
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