AmithlonTV (Website)
TV-Kartentreiber: AmithlonTV Betaversion 332
Guido Mersmann hat heute die Beta-Version 332 der TV-Kartentreiber-Software
AmithlonTV mit mehreren kleineren Updates und Verbesserungen veröffentlicht.
Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha
- CHANGED: Did some cleanup on the PCI structures and sources.
- CHANGED: Added the missing DPI documentation for the PCI stuff.
- BUGFIX: Somehow I forgot to implement the auto config stuff into the "audio_tda9873h.lib".
- CHANGED: The bt8x8 driver is now setting PCI latency! It also shuts down the card on shut down.
- BUGFIX: Fixed crash bug within the "volume_AmiMixer.lib" which sometimes caused crashes.
[Meldung: 25. Mär. 2003, 12:22] [Kommentare: 0]
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