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Aminet Uploads bis zum 24.03.2003
Im Anschluss finden Sie die seit der letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet Uploads.

Spanish-AmIRC.lha    comm/irc    17K+Spanish catalog for AmIRC
SpanishAmIRC.lha     comm/irc    17K+Spanish catalog for AmIRC
amiycoders.lha       comm/mail   18K+V0.4 yEnc Encoder / Decoder for the Amig
tv-mod-wp.lha        comm/misc   22K+(PL) Import module for TV programe [v9.3
MiamiDxCT.lha        comm/net     9K+Catalonian catalog for Miami Deluxe
MiamiDxSPA.lha       comm/net    10K+Spanish catalog for Miami Deluxe
FTPMount.lha         comm/tcp   247K+Handler to use FTP as real directory - w
IBrowseSP.lha        comm/www    17K+IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs v2.3.1b
OpenURL44.lha        comm/www   148K+OpenURL - Get that URL!
OpenURLcat.lha       comm/www     2K+Catalonian catalog for OpenURL 4.4 or hi
OpenURL_dt.lha       comm/www     3K+German catalog for OpenURL v4.4
EquinoxeInvtro.lha   demo/aga   689K+Invitation for the Equinoxe demoparty in
fit_miracle.lha      demo/aga   293K+One day miracle by Fit ASM'02 64k intro
znn_theway.lha       demo/aga   861K+Zenon The Way 3th at Lobotomia 2002 demo
GetCRC.lha           dev/c       30K+V1.19 calculates different checksums
SegTracker_pch.lha   dev/debug   15K+Patches SegTracker to V37.76
autoconf-253.lha     dev/gg     1.5M+GNU automatic configuration generator. V
automake-163.lha     dev/gg     1.3M+GNU automatic makefile generator. V1.6.3
libtool-142.lha      dev/gg     1.9M+GNU Libtool V1.4.2
fd2pragma.lha        dev/misc   212K+V2.164 create pragma, inline, ... files
reactionexampl.lha   dev/src     33K+ReAction examples
EasyACDDA.lha        disk/cdrom 335K+Play&Save CD tracks with Gui - EasyACDDA
MyFormat1.28.lha     disk/misc   30K+Format replacement.  OS2.04+ required
vdisk36.lha          disk/misc   46K+Dynamic recoverable RAM disk (V3.6)
ThePolice.lha        docs/hyper  48K+The Police: albums, lyrix, singles +more
AIOV67.lha           docs/mags  603K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 67 (Janu
saku42.lha           docs/mags  2.2M+Saku #42 (1/2003). Finnish e-zine.
InterviewDBase.lha   docs/misc  494K+Amiga Arena Interview database (English/
freeciv_mos.lha      game/2play 761K+Freeciv for MorphOS. V1.2 (based on Amig
Saga.lha             game/board 291K+Saga 1.24: Conversion of TSR boardgame
DC2Lvl-Expert.lha    game/data  371K+81 levels for Diamond Caves II
DC2Lvl-Ghost.lha     game/data  385K+81 levels for Diamond Caves II
Dragonworks.lha      game/data  606K+Cardset for AS-Freecell and AS-Memory
heretic2_ger.lha     game/data   23K+Heretic II German Translation (German) (
Mattonite.lha        game/demo  672K+Arkanoid demo game, working in progress
AlexInTown.lha       game/jump   78K+Guide Alex through the Town.
WormWars.lha         game/misc  624K+Worm Wars 7.31: Advanced snake game
angband.lha          game/role  922K+Angband 3.0.3 - Roguelike solo RPG
HDA.lha              game/role  450K+German Multiple Choice Text Adventure
AS-Clock.lha         game/think 200K+Find cards with the same rank
AS-FindIt.lha        game/think 222K+Find cards among the others
AS-Montana.lha       game/think 210K+Fill In The Gaps
AS-Remember.lha      game/think 198K+Remember and find cards
Miliarderzy.lha      game/think 1.2M+Mind game (Polish version) for AOS and M
Colorit.lha          game/wb     42K+Try to match the displayed pattern
TriLights.lha        game/wb     44K+Light-up this triangular-shaped board!
X_Lights.lha         game/wb     43K+Light-up this X-shaped board!
kray.lha             gfx/3d     641K+Freeware raytracer v1.3
BetaScan3_PL.lha     hard/drivr  17K+Polish catalog for BetaScan_v3
imdbDiff030307.lha   misc/imdb  2.1M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff030314.lha   misc/imdb  2.3M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
AmiBiorythme.lha     misc/misc   69K+MUI Biorythm tool. Now localised. v1.3
001_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.0M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
002_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.6M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
004_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.2M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
005_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.7M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
006_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.0M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
007_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.7M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
008_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.7M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
009_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.6M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
010_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 3.1M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
011_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.3M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
012_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 3.6M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
013_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.3M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
014_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 2.8M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
015_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.0M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
016_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.6M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
017_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 1.9M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
018_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 3.5M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
019_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.1M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
020_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.1M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
021_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 247K+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
022_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 3.0M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
023_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 2.8M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
024_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 3.3M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
025_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.0M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
026_mpfree.lha       mods/moods  16M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
027_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.7M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
028_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.2M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
029_mpfree.lha       mods/moods  23M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
030_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.9M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
031_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 3.2M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
032_mpfree.lha       mods/moods  11M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
033_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 5.0M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
034_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 3.9M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
035_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 6.9M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
036_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 7.0M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
JD-Candy.mpg         mods/mpg   3.1M+Candy by JaDe
JD-Mindscapes.mpg    mods/mpg   3.7M+Mindscapes by JaDe
NKN_cscoverHI.lha    mods/nkn   3.4M+CD covers - 600 DPI - most powerful tech
NKN_cscoverLO.lha    mods/nkn   1.3M+CD covers - 150 DPI - most POWERFUL tekn
NKN_cs_cd_2.lha      mods/nkn   7.2M+02 cal 6667 - Cooleour SYNTHESIS CD comp
NKN_cs_cd_3.lha      mods/nkn    10M+03 Gotcha Cybe Houze - Cooleour SYNTHESI
NKN_cs_cd_5.lha      mods/nkn    12M+05 Cyber Tribe [ABORIGINE] - Cooleour SY
NKN_cs_cd_6.lha      mods/nkn   7.1M+06 Slaughter House - Cooleour SYNTHESIS 
NKN_cs_cd_7.lha      mods/nkn   6.9M+07 Psyche Killer - Cooleour SYNTHESIS CD
viruscommands.lha    mus/midi   100K+Access Virus commands for tracks&fields
JabberwockyESP.lha   mus/misc     8K+Guide for Jabberwocky in spanish languag
SAPphire.lha         mus/play   259K+Very nice GUI for SAP Player (player for
nICkONs-3.lha        pix/gicon  114K+Game Glowicons
SaloraFellow.lha     pix/illu   664K+Salora Fellow (Video Tech Laser 210)
Satire11-Nov02.jpg   pix/misc    44K+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
Satire12-Jan03.jpg   pix/misc    42K+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
SoundBolt.lha        pix/wb     379K+SoundBolt Workbench theme by Nowee for V
guideml2.lha         text/hyper  54K+Cool AmigaGuide -> HTML converter (V2.4)
CheckX.lha           util/arc    40K+V1.94 Check for Archive/Packer/Virus
Decigel.lha          util/boot    3K+68010+ priv. instr. use fix, VBR update
skick345.lha         util/boot   91K+Soft-kicker under OS 2.0 - new release
ahisyssound.lha      util/cdity  48K+Play sounds for asl/reqtool Requesters o
Cheetah.lha          util/conv   34K+Allows you to cheat at your favorite gam
MakeWav.lha          util/conv   23K+Converts ROM images for the Atari 2600 V
sapmaker.lha         util/conv  102K+Making SAP files from Atari XL/XE's musi
AmIPS.lha            util/misc   11K+IPS creating/patching (MUI)
Frogger-GUI.lha      util/misc   22K+Reaction GUI for FroggerNG
FroggerNG_GUI.lha    util/misc   32K+Control Panel for FroggerNG
NewHomer.lha         util/misc   81K+V1.7 (upd./bugf. - Finally eyes behave c
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  312K+Report+ 5.66: Multipurpose utility
AmiGOD2.lha          util/moni   82K+AmigaOS benchmark BETA 20.03.2003
Amithlon.lha         util/moni  414K+SysSpeedMod 
EBGuide.lha          util/rexx    3K+(REACTION GUI) Australian TV Guide progr
MagicFlush.lha       util/wb     16K+Flush memory every 2 seconds
ScaOPMCatUpFr.lha    util/wb      9K+Update Cat.french(Scalos-OPM)
SGrabCAT.lha         util/wb      1K+Catalonian catalog for SGrab

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 2003, 21:49] [Kommentare: 4 - 25. Mär. 2003, 20:49]
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