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Lars Fuhrken-Batista (E-Mail)

Cinemaware Statement
Wie Ende Februar hier berichtet, teilt clickBOOM in deren S-File 22 mit, dass es mit Cinemaware Differenzen gibt. Heute nun meldet sich Cinemaware mit folgendem Statement zu Wort:

Statement from Cinemaware
Hopefully you know who we are as Cinemaware, as we are well known for our past Amiga games. We are of course doing new titles as well as you can see on our web-site We have also started a series of "Digitally Remastered" titles with clickBoom for a while - but unfortunately that has gone badly. I was wondering if you could report the information below on your website.

We understand that some of classic Amiga/Cinemaware fans have been concerned about certain news spread around by clickBoom, the Canadian developer which Cinemaware has employed to develop the "Digitally Remastered" series of games. At this point Cinemaware would just like to make a simple statement that clickBoom's allegations are false and misleading, and that we will issue an official statement in the future regarding this matter.

In reference to this, Cinemaware would appreciate if anyone involved in the below cases come into contact with us as soon as possible, writing to As you can see history tends to repeat itself.

In the meantime, we appreciate your support and understand your frustration at not being able to see more "Digital Remasters" coming out soon. We are working hard to resolve this situation.

Please look out for exciting news regarding Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown soon!


Lars Fuhrken-Batista
Team Cinemaware (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 2003, 00:47] [Kommentare: 14 - 26. Mär. 2003, 22:34]
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