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Aminet Uploads bis zum 09.03.2003
Im Anschluss finden Sie die neuesten Aminet-Uploads:

SN-MuenzArch.lha     biz/dbase  197K+V1.4 Coin-DataBase (Germany only)
Opus6img.lha         biz/dopus  1.1M+Toolbar Images For DOpus Magellan 
GummiSurf.lha        comm/net    14K+Companion tool for Charon (Download mana
ib2email.lha         comm/www     2K+ARexx scripts to pass mailto: links from
OpenURL44.lha        comm/www   146K+OpenURL - Get that URL!
pvt-cafe2002.lha     demo/slide 2.8M+Demoparty Computer Art Festival 2002 Sli
BlitzLstFeb03.lha    dev/basic  1.3M+Blitz mailing list archives for February
BlitzLstJan03.lha    dev/basic  513K+Blitz mailing list archives for January 
CIT.lha              dev/gui    165K+A C++ GUI dev system
ASCIImui.lha         dev/mui     21K+ASCII character converter (source code i
MCC_Toolbar.lha      dev/mui    123K+Toolbar custom class for MUI (v15.8) [OS
muihook_mos.lha      dev/mui     17K+Simple MUI source using hooks for GCC-Mo
Apfelberge.lha       dev/src      5K+3D fractal example
WolnyCD.lha          disk/cdrom   6K+Better read-spead, quiet working CD. v0.
SFS.lha              disk/misc  187K+Smart Filesystem copyrighted by John Hen
AmigaPower.lha       docs/hyper  93K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine (Febru
Poczet.lha           docs/hyper 162K+Guide ***POLISH ONLY*** about polish mon
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/lists 1.5M+Mailing-list NotizieAmiga 02/2003 (Itali
amigazette_09.lha    docs/mags  1.1M+AMIGAzette 9th issue (25.08.2001) (itali
nocover108.lha       docs/mags  1.6M+Great german diskmagazine
obligement37.lha     docs/mags  1.0M+Obligement #37 - The Famous FRENCH fanzi
saku41.lha           docs/mags  1.1M+Saku #41 (3/2002). Finnish e-zine.
RXDraughts.lha       game/board   6K+(REACTION GUI) WB Draughts game for Amig
DC2Lvl-EMine1.lha    game/data  475K+99 levels for Diamond Caves II
FreeCivExpand.lha    game/data  201K+GFX Expansion for the Nativ Amiga-Port o
Mattonite.lha        game/demo  672K+Arkanoid demo game, working in progress
StefACS.lha          game/demo   88K+Adventures creator, working in progress
whirlwind.lha        game/demo  267K+Whirlwind demo,racing game inspired in W
zdragonball.lha      game/demo  251K+Beat'em up with Dragonball characters
BlaggersAlley.lha    game/hint   44K+Simcity 2000 Launch Arco scene - complet
Sepulchre_Wood.lha   game/text  327K+Fighting Fantasy-style game (Amigaguide)
Follia_NBA_FE.lha    game/think 1.4M+Extremely addictive puzzler; pure fun!
Land_O_Mines.lha     game/wb     46K+Try to get out of the mine field!
Tri_Add.lha          game/wb     43K+Try to find the correct total!
Anim2gif.lha         gfx/conv   150K+Converts and scales an amiga animation t
Sv5-1.lha            gfx/misc   557K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 1/8
Sv5-2.lha            gfx/misc   155K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 2/8
Sv5-3a.lha           gfx/misc   127K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 3a/8
Sv5-3b.lha           gfx/misc   326K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 3b/8
Sv5-4.lha            gfx/misc    38K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 4/8
Sv5-5.lha            gfx/misc   143K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 5/8
Sv5-6.lha            gfx/misc   158K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 6/8 (opti
Sv5-7.lha            gfx/misc   157K+SView5 V1.20 (8.3.2003) - Part 7/8 (opti
swftools-0.4.2.lha   gfx/misc   2.8M+Collection of tools for the manipulation
BetaScanSrc.lha      hard/drivr 184K+Complete Source for BetaScan.v3 (3.05)
BetaScan_GER.lha     hard/drivr   7K+German catalog for BetaScan_v3
BetaScan_v3.lha      hard/drivr 128K+BetaScan v.3 with Raction based GUI
cd32-expansion.txt   hard/misc    6K+Full description of CD32 expansion slot 
psu-problems.txt     hard/misc    6K+Diagnosing power supply problems
imdbDiff030221.lha   misc/imdb  3.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
hc-hexenjagt.lha     mods/blkha  64K+Hardcore PT mod by blakkhar
juhuuu.lha           mods/blkha 577K+Techno DBP mod by blakkhar
JD-Mindscapes.mpg    mods/mpg   3.0M+Mindscapes by JaDe
JD-Overload4.mpg     mods/mpg   3.0M+Overloaded IV by JaDe
JD-Soundstate.mpg    mods/mpg   3.6M+Sound State by JaDe
Cathedral.lha        mus/misc   123K+Reverb. 16-bit,MUI,68k/PPC, non-realtime
flac-1.0.4BETA.lha   mus/misc   2.1M+FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec
ringtonetools.lha    mus/misc    61K+Mobile tones converter
EP_SoundPlayer.lha   mus/play     9K+EaglePlayer "SoundPlayer" external repla
FenrixGIcons.lha     pix/gicon  511K+Some glowIcons, mostly drawers
FenrixGIcons2.lha    pix/gicon  147K+Some glowIcons, mostly drawers
Nelta-glow.lha       pix/gicon  588K+Over the 300 misc glow icons [by cYbo]
SimsGameIcons.lha    pix/gicon   32K+GlowIcons for 5 current amiga-games
trodas_icons2.lha    pix/gicon  592K+Glow icons made by trodas
anl-strip_9.lha      pix/misc    49K+[ancor] a normal life
AP20Covers.lha       pix/misc   193K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 20 Covers Recto & Verso
sgf-strip_5.lha      pix/misc    50K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
sgf-strip_6.lha      pix/misc    48K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
ufstoryv2.lha        pix/misc   307K+A Fantasy story with pics this is v2.0
moped18.jpg          pix/trace  154K+Motorbike rendered with Cinema4D V4
ChineseIME.lha       text/edit  214K+A Chinese IME solution to input Chinese 
hypermail2.1.5.lha   text/misc  268K+Takes mail msgs and generates HTML docum
ActivateWindow.lha   util/cli     7K+CLI-tool to activate, move to front wind
hd.lha               util/cli     7K+HD, hexdumper
MUIFind_mos.lha      util/misc   46K+Freeware MUI Search tool -MorphOS-
CPUSpd.lha           util/moni    6K+68k speed, cycles/scanline, cycles/frame
EBGuide.lha          util/rexx    3K+(REACTION GUI) Australian TV Guide progr
Pixload-3.0.lha      util/rexx  668K+Pixload 3.0 (a "dock style" in RXMui)
rxmuiguides.lha      util/rexx   91K+RxMUI - RxMUI Docs in AmigaGuide format
DRemind.lha          util/time  292K+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.64!
AmiStart.lha         util/wb    400K+A Windows like startmenu with drag&drop 
BaseConvert.lha      util/wb     25K+ReAction GUI base convertor  
IconLink.lha         util/wb     25K+Create links to icons
Scalos13u_FR.lha     util/wb     17K+French Catalogs for Scalos1.3u(40.21)
ScaOPM-Cat_Up.lha    util/wb      9K+Update Cat.french(Scalos-OPM)
SortIcons.lha        util/wb     12K+Sorts Icons on WB screen - like PC/Mac!

[Meldung: 09. Mär. 2003, 12:48] [Kommentare: 2 - 09. Mär. 2003, 20:52]
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