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Bildbearbeitung: ImageMagick Version 5.5.5
ImageMagick ist eine Kollektion von Tools zum Lesen, Schreiben und Bearbeiten von Bildern in vielen verschiedenen Formaten. Lesen Sie im Anschluss die Original-Meldung zur Amiga-Portierung von Diego Casorran.

ImageMagick is a robust collection of tools to read, write, and manipulate an image in many image formats (over 87 major formats) including popular formats like TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD, and GIF. With ImageMagick you can create images dynamically, making it suitable for Web applications.

You can also resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an image or image sequence and save your completed work in the same or differing image format. Image processing operations are available from the command line, as well as through C, C++, Perl, or Java programming interfaces (it need about 40 MB of free disk, check the .readme file).

Download: ImageMagick-5.5.5.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 03. Mär. 2003, 13:48] [Kommentare: 0]
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