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z5 (ANF)

A.D.A.: CLASSIC time
Amiga Demoscene Archive was updated with two classics in Amiga demoscene history and one very promising newcomer!

Productions added are:

Tint/The Black Lotus: no need to introduce this one, is there? Offa and Equalizer, backed up by a whole bunch of talented graphicians (Rodney, Louie, Danny and Facet) and Azazel responsible for the music. Tons of effects, cool graphics and real party atmosphere. Do you smell the flowers?

Gift/Potion: From the duo who are probably from another planet, Mavey and Skip, comes this 64Kb intro. Lasting for more than 10 minutes, with very cool music, effects and design, this is one mindblasting intro!

Trauma/Unique: A very promising newcomer to the Amiga demoscene, pc demogroup Unique released their first Amiga intro a couple of weeks ago. Well worth checking out! (ps)

[Meldung: 27. Jan. 2003, 14:03] [Kommentare: 2 - 27. Jan. 2003, 15:42]
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