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TV-Karten Software: AmithlonTV Beta-Version 209
Guido Mersmann hat Beta-Version 209 der TV-Karten Treiber-Software AmithlonTV veröffentlicht.

Neu in dieser Version:
  • Bugfix: Fixed a small bug, that may caused a damaged memory list in very rare cases.
  • Bugfix: TVCardDump is opening the requested card. This forces all drivers to be running and creates a full dump.
  • Feature: Reworked the old card scan core within the library. Now it's possible to set an "ignore" value insteed of a valid card ID.
  • Feature: Added new card files for Pinnacle_PCTV2 and LiveView FlyVideoII.

Download: AmithlonTV_Beta209.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 06. Jan. 2003, 20:28] [Kommentare: 8 - 08. Jan. 2003, 02:18]
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