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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Martin Kuchinka

Programmiersprache: PowerD V0.20 Alpha 4
Heute hat Martin Kuchinka die Version 0.20 alpha 4 der Programmiersprache 'PowerD' veröffentlicht.

Download: alpha.lzx

What's new with this last alpha release? Well, again several bugfixed, but there is also one new executable called 'dc_68k', which is the same as 'dc' except that this executable generates the 68k only code, so it's only for ppl with older non ppc Amigas. Else it's completely the same as the 'dc' compiler.
Uploaded the TextInput.mcc modules by Miklos Nemeth. (ps)

[Meldung: 04. Jan. 2003, 18:33] [Kommentare: 0]
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