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Grzegorz Kraszewski (ANF)

TTEngine 5.0 veröffentlicht
TTEngine ist eine auf TrueType Font basierende Textrendering-Umgebung für AmigaOS. Die Version 5.0 kann von der Homepage von TTEngine heruntergeladen werden. Die neue Version hat einige interessante Besonderheiten:

  • Two new functions: TT_GetPixmap() and TT_FreePixmap() for text pixelmap extraction. Pixelmap is 8 bit per pixel, 256 gray levels. Then the pixmap may be further processed. Useful for e.g. painting and image processing software.
  • Antialiasing is now based on pixel luminance and hue (RGB correction is applied as well). Gives even better text quality especially on contrasting background (e.g. red text on green).
  • New text styles: underline, double underline, overstrike, double overstrike.
  • Fixed bugs in JAM2, INVERSVID and COMPLEMENT draw modes.
  • Colours of text can be now specified directly as RGB via TT_Foreground and TT_Background tags.

As always some bugs have been fixed. Check "release_notes" file in the distribution archive for the full list of changes. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Nov. 2002, 13:12] [Kommentare: 12 - 15. Nov. 2002, 19:51]
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