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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Antiviren-Software: xvs.library Version 33.39
Georg Hörmann hat soeben Version 33.39 der xvs.library veröffentlicht. Nachfolgend die komplette Meldung:

Georg Hoermann has just released a new update of the xvs.library. Remember this library is very important for all the major antivirus programs, because they all use this library to get recog. for viruses.

Here is some info about the new update:

Name: External Virus Scanner Library
Version: v33.39
Archive name: xvslibrary.lha
Archive size: 91.362 bytes (lha packed)
Release date: 11 November 2002
Programmer: Georg Hörmann -

News: xvs.library 33.39 (size: 61.196 bytes)
  • Added size check to bootblock virus recognition in xvsCheckFile(). Any files bigger than 2048 bytes will no longer be tested for bootblock viruses to avoid fake recognitions inside disk-images.
  • Finally fixed the last MuForce hit ($c0.w) in xvsSurveyMemory(). Thanks to Sensei again for the report and Zeeball for further suggestions on this topic.
  • Fixed severe bug in 'Illegal Access' recognition code that caused crashes on any files with virus-like hunklengths. Thanks to Zeeball for the report and the example files.
  • Added 'NoName (196 Bytes)' linkvirus and 'XFD Infiltrator' virus. Thanks to Zeeball for sending them.
  • Fixed problems with native MorphOS applications that directly call xvs.library functions. Thanks to Harry Sintonen for the report and for further help.
  • Implemented custom Disable() function that prevents loss of data on the serial port during xvsSurveyMemory() calls. Thanks to Christian of CAPS ( for the report and the excessive beta-testing!
  • xvsSurveyMemory() now closes TCP ports opened by several viruses. These currently are: 1666, 2000, 2001, 2227, 2333, 2421, 2551, 4097 and 9876. Please note that closing an open port doesn't cause a virus report, it just happens!
  • Once again improved the internal security stuff for less timing problems with sensitive software (serial.device still has trouble with 115200 baud on a MC68030, use 8n1.device instead!).
  • Added 'Neurotic Death' viruses (6 versions) to xvsSurveyMemory() and the installer files to xvsCheckFile().
  • Added new developer files created by Dirk Stöcker. Thanks a lot and sorry that I forgot to add them to the last release.
  • Added installer script written by Dave 'Targhan' Crawford. Thanks a lot for this contribution.

[Meldung: 11. Nov. 2002, 22:00] [Kommentare: 2 - 12. Nov. 2002, 22:44]
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