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Computer City (E-Mail)

Event: Pegasos Demonstration at Computer City
On Saturday October 5th 2002, Computer City will host a demonstration of Pegasos and MorphOS by Thendic-France. The demonstration starts at 13:00 and lasts to 17:00.

For those who want to combine the demonstration with a trip to Rotterdam; there is an excellent Grand Café located direct next to Computer City, and the centre of Rotterdam is very easy to reach from the shop, either by car or by public transport.

For more information please email or call +31-(0)10-4517722.

Computer City
Zebrastraat 7-9
3064 LR Rotterdam

For a route description see: (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Sep. 2002, 12:29] [Kommentare: 8 - 28. Sep. 2002, 09:57]
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