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14.Sep.2002 Oliver Hummel/Amithlon ML (ANF) |
Statement von Bernd Meyer zum angekündigten AmithlonXL Paket Laut Bernd Meyer ist es für ihn zurzeit unklar, ob es sich bei dem gestern von VMC auf amiga-news.de angekündigten AmithlonXL nur um eine "Add On"-CD handelt, ähnlich der Elbox Multimedia-CD oder wirklich um ein vollständiges Emulator-Paket. Für den Fall, dass es ein komplettes Emulatorpaket sei, weist Bernd Meyer in seinem Statement darauf hin, dass VMC/Haage&Partner keine Lizenz zum Vertrieb der Teile von Amithlon habe, die auf seiner Arbeit basieren (optimierter Jit zum Beispiel), ferner hätten beide Parteien keine Lizenz von Amiga Inc. zum Vertrieb der benötigten Kickstart/Workbench-Dateien. Außerdem werde er zukünftige Updates, die für Benutzer des originalen Amithlons gedacht seien, nicht für ein AmithlonXL-Paket bereitstellen. Anmerkung der Redaktion: Wir alle können nicht beurteilen, welche der beiden Parteien (Bernd Meyer vs. VMC/H&P) hier Recht oder Unrecht haben, bzw. welche der Parteien die gemachten Verträge nicht richtig interpretiert. Fest steht jedenfalls, dass es offensichtlich zwei sehr unterschiedliche Standpunkte gibt. Wir bitten daher unsere Leser darum, bei evtl. Kommentaren äußerst sachlich zu sein, und auf Schuldzuweisungen, Beschimpfungen und Beleidigungen zu verzichten. Hier das komplette Statement: Regarding so-called "AmithlonXL" ================================ * I have absolutely no knowledge of this "product" beyond that which is publicly available on Amiga news sites. * I am not in any way involved with this "product". * At the current time, it is unclear (to me at least) whether this is supposed to be an add-on for existing Amithlon users (akin to the Elbox "Multimedia CD", simply offering a collection of new drivers), or whether it is meant to be something including emulator executable and ROM files. * If it is just a collection of drivers, I have no problem with it. About bloody time, I'd say. * If, however, someone is planning to distribute my IP (as contained in the emulator executable), I'd strongly advise to reconsider, as neither Harald Frank nor Haage&Partner have any license to do so. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, neither of those parties have a license from Amiga Inc for the distribution of kickstart images. * The announcements on www.amiga-news.de and www.ann.lu also talked about the demo machine being equipped with a Dual Head Matrox card. I sincerely hope that this is not an indication that my multi-head capable gfx driver for Amithlon is considered or presented as part of "AmithlonXL", as the license attached to that driver quite clearly prohibits it. * Let me also reiterate that of the contents of the amithlon_contrib* packages released by me, ONLY the parts under the GPL are available for inclusion with any Harald Frank or H&P product, and that inclusion of those parts would require the strict adherence to the licensing terms of the GPL. * Obviously, I won't be supporting an "AmithlonXL" which violates my intellectual property rights in any way. This would certainly include making sure that the proprietary parts of any further contrib packages I release for the users of the original Amithlon would not work with such an "AmithlonXL". Personally, I despise crap like that, but what can I do? * I would finally like to ask everyone to recognize that at the current time, to the best of my knowledge "AmithlonXL" is purely a Harald Frank idea --- I have yet to see a single word about it from Haage&Partner. So please don't abuse H&P over something they, for all I know, might not even know about. Bernd Meyer, Main Amithlon programmer(ps) [Meldung: 14. Sep. 2002, 13:26] [Kommentare: 19 - 20. Sep. 2002, 08:21] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] | ||
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