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Brad Webb per E-Mail

Amiga Update Newsletter #020831 von Brad Webb
Im Anschluss finden Sie den kompletten Newsletter von Amiga Update (Brad Webb) für August 2002.
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               A M I G A      | 020831 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

      A M I G A   O S   4 . 0   F R E A T U R E S   L I S T E D 

   A M I G A F E S T   # 4   F R O M   A M I T E C H - D A Y T O N 

         A O N E   G O T H E N B U R G   F A L L   E V E N T 

         P E G A S O S   A N D   M O R P H O S   U P D A T E 

          A M I G A   O N   M O R P H O S   L E G A L I T Y 

         E L B O X   M E D I A T O R   P C I   1 2 0 0   S X 

          S O U N D F X   V 4 . 2   I S   A V A I L A B L E

            I O U S B   2 . 0   F R O M   I O S P I R I T

            P O S E I D O N   U S B   S T A C K   1 . 2 6 

      I O S P R I T   S O F T W A R E   D I S T R I B U T I O N 

     W O R K S   N E E D E D   F O R   2 0 0 3   C A L E N D A R 

            P R I V O X Y   3 . 0 . 0   F O R   A M I G A 
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 It's been a quiet month. Apparently, work continues on Amiga ONE and
OS 4.0 with quiet determination. At least I hope so, and there's
really no reason to think otherwise. However, it's now been a very
long wait. Fortunately, the Amiga community is used to long waits. I
believe the community as a whole still feels this one will turn out
differently from all the others. I know I still do. But it does feel
frighteningly familiar, doesn't it?
 Quiet or not we have several interesting items for you to read this
time. Most interesting to me is the situation with Pegasos and Morph
OS. I am constantly amazed that supposed promoters of the Amiga do
things that, if successful, can only hurt the company. In this case,
damaging Amiga's ability to control its OS. The small companies that
continually do these things seem to have no concern that Amiga is
itself small, and damage to its intellectual property could cause
severe difficulties or even put them out of business. And the small
companies that do this seldom get anything genuinely useful on the
 My personal opinion is that both products have about as much chance
for real success as (to use an old American expression) "a snowball in
Hell". But they are causing already limited resources to be wasted by
Amiga Inc. in defending their property.
 Ah well, bad judgement takes funny forms sometimes.
 Most of our other stories show the good side of the Amiga community,
and I enjoyed some of the news very much. 
 We hope you enjoy this issue also.
 Brad Webb,

     A M I G A   O S   4 . 0   F R E A T U R E S   L I S T E D 

{Taken from the Amiga OS website, and apparently just posted there
despite the date. Thought you might like to see these. Brad}

07-Aug-2002 - AmigaOS Features

 Listed below are the modules that make up the core of AmigaOS 4. Most
of the OS modules (including the kernel) are finished and being tested
internally by the OS 4 development team.
 Current work centers around Intuition and Reaction, 2D/3D drivers, A1
Bios, additional kernel functionality (virtual addressing and
page-based memory handling) and the integration of the 68K emulation
into the system.
 Here are the modules that make up AmigaOS 4:

 Exec Second Generation (Exec SG)

        Exec is the AmigaOS kernel and was written in 68K assembly 
        for AmigaOS 3.1. It has been rewritten in C, as ExecSG, for 
        AmigaOS 4.

        The following features are planned for ExecSG:

        Hardware abstraction layer (HAL)
        Virtual addressing (for automatic stack enlargement etc.)
        Page-based memory handling (less fragmentation and more 
        Virtual memory
        New library interface
        Resource tracking and management
        Optional memory protection
        WarpOS backwards compatibility

 Just in Time (JIT) 68K emulation
 PPC native TCP/IP stack & PPP drivers
   fastest on the platform

 Re-implementation of the Amiga file system (FFS2) for PPC
 PPC native CD Filesystem

  with limited Mount Rainier support (use your CDRW as a floppy)

 Recovery and Salvage tools for FFS2 and SFS
 PPC native CD back-up tool

  OS 4 will include a simple tool which allows the user to back-up
  files by burning them to an ISO 9660 CD which also allows for
  exchanging data between systems)

 PPC native RTG system

   Picasso 96 V3

 PPC native arithmetically optimised version of layers.library
 Warp3D (3D driver system)
 OpenGL 1.3 support (Mesa 4.0)
 PPC native RTA system based on AHI

  with Soundblaster Live! Drivers

 PPC native GUI system (Intuition and Reaction)
 PPC native shell
 PPC native version of "Amidock"
 PPC native utility for archiving and de-archiving
 SCSI drivers for onboard (UW) SCSI controllers
 AmigaInput API (for multimedia controller devices)
 USB stack
  already adapted for the Highway and Subway hardware

 PPC native datatypes
 New HDToolbox ("Media Toolbox")
 Support for TrueType/OpenType fonts
 Web-browser (Ibrowse 2.3)
 MUI PPC (for legacy applications)
 Reading/printing of PDF files

 PPC native rewrite of DOS library
 PPC native movieplayer

  "Action" with DivX and MPEG4 support

 PPC native devices
 Generic PPC native PCI library

   A M I G A F E S T   # 4   F R O M   A M I T E C H - D A Y T O N 

 AmigaFest 2002, The Show Within a Show at Computerfest®

12 August, 2002

 For the fourth year in a row, AmiTech-Dayton, Amiga Computer Users
Group, is sponsoring AmigaFest, a show within a show at Computerfest®.
The purpose of AmigaFest is to provide a concentration of Amiga
oriented vendors and exhibitors in the show to provide improved
support for the Amiga Community. If you are a current or former Amiga
user, or are just curious about the platform, stop by AmigaFest 2002
and find out what is currently going on with Amiga. There are many new
developments on the horizon and we will have some available for
demonstration or sale at the show.
 The AmigaFest 2002 area will include a Seminar/Presentation section,
that will be showing off the capabilities of the Amiga system,
including alternative operating systems that are currently in
development for the Amiga community. Presentations will be going on
continuously throughout the show. In addition there will be an Amiga
museum displaying nearly every model of the Amiga that was produced.
 One of the advantages of the Amiga platform is its extremely
efficient operating system that has provided pre-emptive multi-tasking
since its introduction in 1985. The next version of the Amiga OS will
make full use of the PowerPC CPU line. A new generation of Amiga
hardware is on the horizon that will back up the efficiency of the
operating system with modern computing horsepower. Amiga OS Emulators
are also currently available, and will be demonstrated at AmigaFest
2002, bringing Amiga efficiency to X86-based systems bypassing
Windows. Drop by and find out about all the upcoming developments.
 As in years past we will be holding several demos that should be of
interest to any present, past or future Amiga user. We will have demos
of MorphOS installed on a PPC equipped Amiga 1200, Amithlon and
AmigaXL installed on a PC, and using digital cameras on your Amiga.
Other demos are in the works. Stop by our booths for a complete
schedule of events.
 We are expecting several exhibitors for this year's AmigaFest. They
include Extreme Computing, developers of a new line of X86-based
computers optimized to run new Amiga OS emulation systems; Compuquick
Multi Media Center; FWD Computing; Mr. Hardware; E. S. Productions; G
and G Publications, publishers of The New Amigans magazine; the Amiga
Cafe; AmiTech Dayton and Grasshopper LLC, developer of Pagestream, the
premier desk top publishing program for Amiga, now also available for
Macintosh and Windows.
 Additionally, on Saturday night after the show, we have arranged to
have a gathering for a dinner and social get together for all Amigans.
Stop by the AmiTech-Dayton booth, pick up a flyer, and be sure to join
in the fun.

 We think it's going to be an interesting and fun show. There are a
couple of definite advantages to having an Amiga Show in conjunction
with a show like Computerfest®. First of all it gives the Amiga user
access to a concentrated selection of Amiga gear, a lot of which will
be at special show prices. Secondly, it gives them unparalleled access
to a broad selection of general equipment that we all need and a
little shopping will find them at bargains beyond belief.
 As always, we hope all Amigans will stop by and show their support.
Hope to see you there!

21 August, 2002

AmigaFest Update: Pegasos to be demonstrated in Dayton, Ohio

 AmiTech-Dayton Amiga User Group is pleased to announce that they will
be privileged to have live demonstrations of the Pegasos computer
system during this years AmigaFest at the Dayton ComputerFest¨, August
24th-25th. We are quite excited that they have accepted our invitation
and hope to see many of our long time Amiga friends come by to see
this much-talked about platform.
 Also, we would like to announce our other vendors participating in
AmigaFest 2002:
 Compuquik Media Center - Amiga hardware and software vendor.
 E.S. Productions - Artwork by Eric Schwartz and home of Amy the
 Extreme Corporation/Computing - Home of ready configured
Amithlon/AmigaOS XL systems.
 FWD Computing - Vendor of Amiga software and collectibles.
 G&G Publishing Ent. - Publisher of The New Amigans magazine.
 Grasshopper LLC - Your source for Pagestream for the Amiga, PC, and
Mac systems.
 Amiga Cafe - Amiga IRC chat site.
 And of course our club, AmiTech-Dayton will on hand! Along with our
table will be an Amiga Museum, a collection of nearly every model of
Amiga produced along with some of our members modified machines.
 Plus, we will be having demos of the Pegasos, the Extreme machines,
Pagestream, Personal Paint, Photogenics, and Amicamedia that will be
going on constantly during the show. And as always, there is no charge
for these demos. Please check with the AmiTech table for a listing of
times and locations.
 We will once again have a social gathering off site once the show
closes on Saturday. This year will will have door prizes for those
attending the gathering courtesy of our friends at Software Hut. Space
for this dinner is limited, so check with the AmiTech table for full
 Show hours are 9:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday and 10:00am to 4:00pm on
Sunday. Some vendors may not be able to stay for the full day on
Sunday, so come early! With over 30,000 attendees, the Dayton
ComputerFest¨ is one of the largest shows of its type in the United
States. And AmigaFest will be there for the fourth year in a row. Come
be a part of the excitement!

For further information contact Ron Schwartz at:

        A O N E   G O T H E N B U R G   F A L L   E V E N T 

28 August, 2002

When & where

 AONE Gothenburg 2002 Fall Event will take place on the 21st of
September, which is a Saturday. The event will last between 12 - 17
and the premises where we will hold the event is called Kajutan ("The
Cabin" in English).
 For those who visited the AmiGBG 2002 fair earlier this year it will
be quite easy to find their way to Kajutan that is situated in Tolken,
that is the same building that we used when we arranged the fair. The
entrance to Kajutan is placed on the same side of the Tolken building
and we will set out direction signs so that it will be easy to find
your way.

 Kajutan is often used for conferences and seminars and we think that
this is a suitable place to have this event since we will have a
number of lecturers present that will tell you all you want to know
about the Amiga One.

The new Amiga - AmigaOne

 At this event, the first new Amiga computer in ten years will for the
first time be seen in Sweden.
 We see this as a scandinavian kickoff for the new Amiga!
 The name of this computer is AmigaOne (AONE). The first version has a
PowerPC G3 processor running at 600 MHz. This first board goes under
the name AmigaOneG3-SE and is at the moment shipped to a selected
group of developers/beta testers.
 Two of these beta testers, Justin from Denmark and Ole-Egil from
Norway will visit us in Gothenburg, Sweden on the 21st of September to
demonstrate this new hardware that so many have waited so eagerly to
see. The computers that they bring to Gothenburg are their own
AmigaOne developer machines.
 The AmigaOne machines that will be running during the day in
Gothenburg will have different versions of PowerPC Linux installed
(Debian and SuSe), as well as UAE Amiga Emulator (emulation of the
classic AmigaOS).
 When the end user version of AmigaOne is ready for sale, it will be
bundled with the next generation AmigaOS, OS4. This Amiga operating
system is a modernized and rewritten OS for the PowerPC processor.
AmigaOS4 is still under development by Amiga Inc's partner Hyperion.
 Whether we will have any news regarding OS4 at the event, we don't
know yet.

What will happen during the day?

 During the day of the event, seminars around AmigaONE will be held.
Of course it will also be possible to ask questions about this new
Amiga and to see it in action!
 We are very proud to announce that we will have Alan Redhouse from
english company Eyetech attending the showcase. Eyetech is the company
behind AmigaOne. We are also working on the possibility to have other
prominent guests with connections to AmigaOne and OS4 here at the
event, so stay tuned.

 At this event we will also have a machine running Amiga DE. This is
because of the future development with DE being integrated into the
new AmigaOS. You'll get an opportunity to ask questions about DE and
to see how far the development process has proceeded.
 More detailed information regarding seminars and lectures will be
available soon before the event, so hold on!

        P E G A S O S   A N D   M O R P H O S   U P D A T E 


Getting the Pegasos Market Going!

 This is a message for traditional ``Amiga Community'' Resellers...
 Since our involvement and the earliest threats against MorphOS, we
have had German and European experts checking the applicable law. If
fact, in spite of the latest threats, we are looking forward to the
timely release of MorphOS.
 A word about the past: the spirit of ``Amiga'' rose from the demise
of Commodore with what was an incredibly well designed and functional
operating system. It became one of the first examples of "forward
compatibility." A word about the present: MorphOS is ready to take the
first step to co-exist with this internationally appreciated example
of software engineering that has generated a distinctive Community of
Users, Developers and Resellers.
 We would like to address our potential Resellers. What will be our
future relationship with you? Well, we tried one approach. It worked
for the Linux market, but not for your market. Nearly all of you
wanted the same thing - a Pegasos running MorphOS to test. You will
have that now. You can buy one this week or next month, or whenever
they want. There will be many available soon. You will find MorphOS
for the PPC is something new. Before, MorphOS was a kernel, which ran
on the PPC, but required AmigaOS files to be able to run Amiga
applications. Now it is different. MorphOS is the complete core of the
Pegasos and can function as a complete operating system. No additional
files are required to achieve this. To be completely clear, what
MorphOS is today is not what ``MorphOS'' was before (and what is still
available today online). MorphOS today is different. It is a great
accomplishment and a credit to Ralph Schmidt and his team to have
MorphOS where it is today, but that will not stop us from making it
better. You won't be wasting your time and effort when you begin to
sell these machines.
 We have decided that while there was a Community suave enough to
handle the Pegasos and MorphOS as it was, the regular computer user
was not, and frankly initially, neither were the Resellers. Our
original concept did not work well. We had only one reseller in this
Community order ten boards until two weeks ago when we had three more
place orders (two of them for a very decent size), but this was slow
enough in coming that we understood we needed to take another
approach. We sent back their money or did not accept it. We had a bad
dream about an OS based website dedicated to The Best 100 Bug Fixes --
have you heard of that before? We woke up.
 Ladies and Gentleman, we need to remember that the target is regular
computer users, who are ``new'' users and who represent new markets
for this Community. A little economic success could improve plenty of
things around here - for Developers, for Resellers, and ultimately for
Users themselves - so we decided MorphOS needed to be ready for
them.... and you. That is why there will be a few steps.

Step One: The ``Betatester'' with MorphOSv.90
Step Two: Pegasos with MorphOSv1.0
Step Three: The Pegasos Handheld with MorphOSv1.0+

 But, in this post we will stick to our Resellers and our message to
them. We will come back to Developers and Team Betatester after this
weekend in Bordeaux at the SLACH PARTY. Later, we will describe in
detail our hardware plans here and all the peripherals we plan on
introducing. We have plenty of things to share and we will do it here
 The cost of the Pegasos will fall in the next production runs. We
will keep optimizing and as we do there will be more profit to carved
up. Right now, we are just spending money. Releasing a product with no
strings attached that is not ready for a ``regular computer user'' is
commercial suicide. We cannot afford to do that, but we need to begin
to cover our investment and we need to take a straight line to the
commercial /regular consumer release point. We need to get going!
 So, here is our promise to our Resellers: we will have a product you
can release to ``regular computer users" in December. We intend to
fully support the computer show being planned in Aachen that month. We
will not only have an operating system to release, but a few
applications, including a game that will surprise even the normal

Just to make sure that is clear:

 We will ship Pegasos boards to all Resellers by 2 December 2002, if
not before.
 If you have comments or questions you can email us at
 We will also present our Pegasos Handheld Prototype in December!

 Keep your eyes on the site for the latest updates!

Best regards,

Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck


        A M I G A   O N   M O R P H O S   L E G A L I T Y 

 {We don't often run stories on what are really non-Amiga items, but
we feel the Pegasos / Morph OS story should be covered because of the
potential impact on Amiga. Hence, we decided to use the preceding
story. However, it is very important to keep the legality of the
situation in mind. To that end, we run the following quotes from an
interview conducted by the Scandinavian Amiga magazine "Amitopia". You
can find the full interview at the "Amitopia" site, referenced below.
The interview actually consists of questions and answers from a
variety of dates. Brad}

29 July, 2002

 I would start this interview, by asking if you see at MorphOS as a
illegal product?

Amiga INC. writes:

 Our position is that the elements of MorphOS which allow it to
provide AmigaOS compatability have been illegally derived. These
either need to be removed or a licence obtained for them. I am afraid
I cannot say more than that due to advice from our lawyers.

Monday, April 29, 2002, 11:10:22 PM, I asked:

And finally...

 But you should stop doing this.. Why cant Amiga go for the future,
show that you are strong? I know this is a marked {sic. perhaps he
meant to type "market". Brad} strategy to somewhat push MorphOS out.
Its like Lindows for the PC marked. Its a competitor to Windows, but
also RUN's Windows programs. You should start to think like an Amiga
user Bill. If you have full believe in your work, then drop the case
and go further. We all know you should have the right to use Amiga,
but MorphOS aint using Amigas name. I want both products on the
marked, it will be a colourfull marked and thats what we want, not
another Commodore keeping all secret and kinda forget what the
userbase want. Please clear things out for me?

Amiga INC. writes:

 You do not understand the legal implications of what you say.
Whatever the merits or otherwise of MorphOS, they used illegally
obtained AmigaOS source code to develop their product. If Amiga Inc
does not defend that code, then we can lose all rights to it. We have
no choice BUT to prosecute anyone who dares to make use of Amiga code.
 The MorphOS team knows this and has spent the last six months or so
trying to remove any code they have which was derived from AmigaOS.
However, our attorneys already have a copy of a MorphOS release where
via disassembly, you can prove that they did use the same source
routines as were in the AmigaOS source code that they had.

        E L B O X   M E D I A T O R   P C I   1 2 0 0   S X 

13 Aug 2002

 Elbox Computer, the leading manufacturer of hardware for Amiga
computers, the company that introduced the PCI standard to Amiga
computers, is proud to announce expanding the MEDIATOR busboard
product line with the new Mediator model for towerised Amiga 1200
computers: Mediator PCI 1200 SX.
 With this product Elbox offers Amiga 1200 users the opportunity to
use up to 6 PCI cards significantly improving the computer
performance. Additionally the new Mediator model has the Power
Management Interface, which allows waking up the computer with
external events (e.g. with USB or LAN signals) and shutting it down
controlled by software.


 * 6 PCI slots (PCI 2.1 compatible)
 * Power Management Interface
 * 66/33MHz PCI clock (transfer rate up to 264MB/s)
 * 32-bit PCI datapatch
 * 4GB PCI memory space
 * Busmastering/DMA in all PCI slots
 * Compatible with 68030/040/060 and PPC turbo cards
 * AT and ATX PSU connectors with control IC
 * Ready for SharkPPC(+) G3/G4 cards
 * Fits in any A1200 in E/BOX (Power, Winner), EZ-Z4 and Infinitiv
 Included with the Mediator PCI 1200 SX is the Mediator Multimedia CD
with drivers for Sound, TV tuner, Ethernet 10Mbps, Fast Ethernet
100Mbps and Graphic PCI cards. For the list of currently supported PCI
cards see Mediator Driver Guide website at
 For more info, see Mediator PCI 1200 SX website at

Pricing and availability

 The Mediator PCI SX will be on sale beginning with 1st September
2002, and its suggested retail price is EUR 239.95 (VAT excl.) To
locate an authorized distributor or purchase product visit the Elbox
Computer website at

Why Mediator?

 Do you need your Amiga to display crystal-clear image up to
2048x1536x32@75? Do you want your favourite games run in accelerated
graphics? Take a PCI graphic card from the Voodoo family and enjoy its
2D and 3D performance.
 Care for superb high-quality music? Just install the inexpensive,
high-quality Sound Blaster sound PCI card and play your MP3 files in
the 16-bit resolution.
 Want fast network connections to surf the net? Put a low-cost RTL8139
Fast Ethernet 100Mbps PCI card into the Mediator slot and connect your
computer to the network.
 Do you want to watch and capture your favourite TV programmes? The TV
tuner PCI card allows you not only watching TV... you can also connect
a TV-SAT tuner, a camcorder or a digital camera. Although the full TV
image resolution runs at 30 fps in the PIP window on your Workbench
screen, it does not use the Amiga processor's time at all.

 And all this is possible NOW, with the MEDIATOR.

Mariusz Wloczysiak
ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department

           S O U N D F X   V 4 . 2   I S   A V A I L A B L E

20 August, 2002

 After more than a year of development and testing, the final version
of SoundFX 4.2 has finally been released!. WinUAE/AmigaXL/Amithlon
users can try the 060 version. It should run without any problems on
their systems. The list of new features and bugfixes is here. SoundFX
is a powerful sound-processing package for AmigaOS, developed by
Stefan Kost. For a shareware price it offers professional features,
many of which are quite unique on the Amiga. It is a real must for
every Amiga sound designer or music

SoundFX V4.2
Changes since the previous version

 - Stable as never before.
 - Extensively tested also on emulated systems: WinUAE, AmigaXL and


 - Significant internal changes made in order to allow advanced
features (like realtime processing) in the future.

- The ARexx port has been completely rewritten. It is now almost 100%

- New operator: a 3-band parametric equalizer.

- Apart from whole samples, sample ranges can now be saved as well.

 - All sample-windows have two new gadgets in the title bar. One hides
the window, the other displays the Sample Options local menu (useful
for people who do not have a 3-button mouse). These features require
Massimo Tantignone's titlebar.image.

 - Now there are altogether three ways to hide the sample-window: the
'Box' button in the toolbar, the Hide gadget in the window title bar,
and the local menu.

 - SoundFX can display "Tips of the Day" at startup. OS3.5+ (or an
older system with ClassAct installed) is recommended for this feature.

 - You can get to SoundFX's homepage at and e-mail
the author directly from within the program: see the Help menu. This
feature requires openurl.library installed and configured properly.

 - New About-window gives extensive information about the program and
the system. This feature requires Richard Koerber's identify.library.

 - The quality of the Hall operator has been improved.

 - New Utility menu with functions for manipulation with sample data
(sign and byte-order switching, channel interleaving and

 - New functions for preference handling (see Prefs menu).

 - When calculating the maximum sample volume (Amplify operator) a
progress-bar is now used, as this operation can take a long time with
large samples (like CD tracks).


 - There is a new bugtracker suite at
for reporting bugs and submitting feature requests.
 - The HTML documentation has been extended and updated.
 - Documentation now available also in PDF and PostScript formats.

             I O U S B   2 . 0   F R O M   I O S P I R I T

19 Aug 2002 

IOUSB System 2.0 Update with OS 4 support

 IOUSB, developed by IOSPIRIT, is a system for USB-device-drivers that
allows them to access USB stacks via a uniform API. Thus any driver
that builds upon it can theoretically be used with every USB-stack on
the AMIGA.

 Apart from the already existing support for Poseidon (Highway/Subway,
MorphOS), support has been added for the Sirion-stack (Thylacine,
Highway/Subway) in cooperation with the AmigaOS 4.0 development team.
Thus it is now also possible to use devices covered by IOUSB with the
Thylacine USB-board and the upcoming AmigaOS 4.0.

 The update to version 2.0 can be found on our download-page. It also
contains an update to version 1.1 of the iousbscanner.device fixing a
timing-problem with the Epson Perfection 1650.


           P O S E I D O N   U S B   S T A C K   1 . 2 6 



 The Poseidon USB Stack is a software solution that unleashes the
possibilities of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) and the devices with
USB interface, ranging from mice, keyboards, tablets, joysticks,
printers, scanners, webcams, digicams, flash card readers, zip drives,
floppy disk drives, harddisks, memory sticks, ethernet adapters,
scanners and audio adapters to less common things like power supplies,
GPS location devices or finger print readers. It is intended to be a
solution for all systems.

Requires: a compatible USB card

Big news


 - Mass storage fixed and extended.
 - New USB Modem class.
 - UPAR printer mountlist included.


 - German manual and installer script
 - Fixed the bugs in the installer script that would copy the UMSD
file to  the wrong drawer (and without icon)

 - New usb->serial converter class
 - Mass storage now automounts


poseidon.library 1.26

 o On USB devices with multiple configurations, only the first one was
read due to me thinking that I would get all configurations
automatically. This is now fixed. Hey, it was the first time I came
across a device with multiple configs, so I couldn't test the code

massstorage.class 1.11

  o Added information messages on mounting (after three attempts :) ).

 o Mounting now again uses lowcyl = 0. But therefore, detection of an
already mounted partition has been reduced to unit, device and
dostype. This means that no multiple partitions on a harddisk will be
mounted, but only the first one. I hope this is not a problem for most
of you.    (thanks to Jens & Jean-François).

 o After mounting, a diskchange signal was sent. This is now fixed
(thanks to Jens).

 o Added NSD and TD64 support. This means you now can uses harddisks

serialpl2303.class 1.3

 o Fixed buffer management. Added EOF mode.

cdcacm.class 1.2

 o Initial. Should support state reporting and EOF mode.


 o Added UPTO option.

highwayusb.device 2.8

 o Optimized copyloop a bit.

subwayusb.device 2.2

 o Initial

serialpl2303.class 1.2

 o Initial

bootkeyboard.class 1.6

 o Now calls reset handlers of the keyboard.device on reset. This is
done in a tricky, but system-friendly way. If any reset handler is
found, the reset is delayed by 10 seconds (no way to find out, if the
reset handlers have finished).

massstorage.class 1.9

 o Added 200ms delay for some strange devices before first
interaction. I hope this is enough for most drives.

 o Added automounting capability for FAT95. Took me ages to get this
working. Sorry.
 o Added experimental untested support for CB and CBI transport
 o Added special init sequence for eUSCSI bridges.
 o Disabled internal retry mechanism for HDCMD_SCSI commands. Maybe
this fixes the disk changing bugs when using "+s" on FAT95.
 o Fixed broken disk change detection. Sorry, just forgot some

hub.class 1.14

 o Changed the init sequence to be more error tolerant, adding several
 o Added locking mechanism (oops! how could I forget) of address 0 to
avoid confusion on the bus with multiple hubs connected to a hub at
the same time.
 o Lots of little changes.

poseidon.library 1.25

 o If SET_CONFIGURATION fails, the enumeration will now still proceed.
This seems to be the case with a few USB2.0 devices.
 o Changed psdSpawnSubTask() to launch a process if started with dos
 o Misc little changes.

Any mail, comments or donations welcome:

Chris Hodges                  
Kennedystr. 8               
D-82178 Puchheim               
IRC: platon42 on EfNet

      I O S P R I T   S O F T W A R E   D I S T R I B U T I O N 

14 August, 2002 

Software distribution via IOSPIRIT

 IOSPIRIT, known worldwide for its high product quality and its
well-accepted service, is expanding its distribution activities. Thus
we are looking for interesting programs and projects, that lack a
distribution partner or that want to open up new market segments.
 Distribution activities include the wide-spread mail-order
distribution and popular, modern Electronic Software Delivery (ESD),
where everything is handled digitally - from the customer´s payment to
the product delivery. Besides we also offer support aids like
mailinglists and a FAQ-system.
 Advertising (both banners and print), flyers and our presence at
exhibitions allows us to introduce the products distributed through us
to a broad public. Furthermore we already have a strong customerbase
within and outside Germany.
 More general information and information about the advantages of our
distribution services can be found on the page "Distribution services"
under "Information" Don´t hesitate to contact us directly, if you are
interested and want to learn more.


     W O R K S   N E E D E D   F O R   2 0 0 3   C A L E N D A R 

9 August, 2002 

 DiscreetFX Announces The 2003 Amiga Art Calendar. Attention Amiga
Artists - now is the chance to get your best Amiga artwork seen by
thousands and share in the proceeds of the sale. You only have until
October 5th 2002 to send in your artwork for consideration for the
2003 Amiga Art Calendar. This Calander is being produced exclusively
on the Amiga and will go on sale in time for the 2002 Christmas
holidays. All submissions must be created on an Amiga and or Video
Toaster (Amiga version) and must include a list of what software/
hardware was used to create the artwork. A panel of 12 judges/Amiga
enthusiates will select the 13 pieces of artwork that will be included
in this years edition. Please send all submissions to on or before October 5th 2002.

            P R I V O X Y   3 . 0 . 0   F O R   A M I G A 

28 August, 2002

 Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for
protecting privacy, filtering web page content, managing cookies,
controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other
obnoxious junk. It is based on the Internet Junkbuster.

   o Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable

   o Environment: No Input/Output (Daemon), Web Environment, Win32 (MS

   o Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop, System Administrators

   o License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

   o Natural Language: English

   o Operating System: MacOS X, Windows, Other OS {Including Amiga.
     Brad}, HP-UX, Linux, SunOS/Solaris

   o Programming Language: C

   o Topic: WWW/HTTP, Firewalls
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2002 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

[Meldung: 01. Sep. 2002, 12:03] [Kommentare: 6 - 02. Sep. 2002, 18:13]
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