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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
06.Jul.2002 / Kai Stegemann (ANF)

Die Petition (Titellink) wurde von Kelvin Shirley eingerichtet. Kelvin Shirley bittet in der Petition die Community darum, zu zeigen, dass sie hinter Bernie Meyer stehen und auf Amithlon 2 warten.

Hier der Originaltext:
Please sign to show your support for Bernie; author of Amithlon; while he sorts out the problems with its release. He has gone through such hard times trying to get his excellent software out, and it would be nice to show him how much support he has from the Amiga Community! So please sign today and feel free to leave any comments you would like to give Bernie. (ps)

[Meldung: 06. Jul. 2002, 15:38] [Kommentare: 86 - 08. Jul. 2002, 17:26]
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