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Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck (E-Mail)

Thendic-France: Erste Pegasos-Boards ausgeliefert
Thendic-France hat die ersten PPC-Rechner des von bplan entwickelten Pegasos mit Yellow Dog Linux und MorphOS im geplanten Zeitrahmen ausgeliefert, und als nächste Version einen Handheld (Kleincomputer) angekündigt. Lesen Sie im Anschluss die Pressemitteilung:

Thendic-France SARL, a subsidiary of Pretory USA Inc. (OTC: PTRU), an emerging technology-based leader in security, detection equipment and medical devices, today announced that is has shipped the first Pegasos PPC computer. The Pegasos was developed by bplan GmbH of Frankfurt, Germany. Thendic-France SARL has acquired the rights to organize and manage the worldwide distribution of the Pegasos.

"We are very excited to be moving ahead with the Pegasos on schedule. We look forward to both developing a reseller network and a development community for the Pegasos. The next version of the Pegasos will be a handheld device and this important step moves us closer to our ultimate objectives," commented Raquel Velasco, Chairman of the Board.

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[Meldung: 31. Mai. 2002, 11:46] [Kommentare: 91 - 04. Jun. 2002, 04:02]
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