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Amiga Gebruikers Groep Friesland (ANF)

AmigaOne: First photo's from Leeuwarden (Update)
We did not expected it anymore but Computer City did a great job to show us the first AmigaONE 1.0a board in action at 15.00. There wasn't enough time to install a hard drive with Linux, as the board was Friday evening still in England, so at the moment you can only see the Openfirmware screen.

Enjoy the pictures at the title link.

Update 26.05.2002:
Update: According to Ole-Egil Hvitmyren, this board is not the final costumer version, but also not pre AmigaOne Board that Eyetech has shown before. This board is one of the 5 boards that are shipped to Computer City and 4 other people who accepted. The final boards will have 1 thing different from this AmigaOne 1.0a board... (ps)

[Meldung: 25. Mai. 2002, 16:37] [Kommentare: 253 - 29. Mai. 2002, 15:47]
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