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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: xvs.library v33.38
Georg Hoermann und Jan Erik Olausen haben ein Update der Antivirus-Bibliothek "xvs.library" veröffentlicht. Die neue Version 33.38 steht auf der Website von Virus Help zum Download bereit.

The xvs.library contains all the virus recognition and removal code that was formerly included in VirusZ. This step has been taken for one major reason: VirusZ, Virus_Checker, Virus_Executor and all the other antivirus software can be updated quickly without releasing the whole packages every time a new virus appears.

So simply install the xvs.library from this archive to your LIBS: drawer to get 100% protection against the latest viruses.

To be able to check if the library in this archive really came straight from one of the authors, you can use the public key with the .sig files in the archive. If you are not sure or do not trust the included key, then you can always request the original straight from one of us (by email) or get it from the VHT-Denmark homepage.

Here is some info about the update:

Name: Xvs.library v33.38
Archive name: xvslibrary.lha
Archive size: 81.516 bytes
Date: 19 March 2002
Programmer: Georg Hoermann & Jan Erik Olausen

News in xvs.library v33.38 (size: 59.040 bytes):
Just had to fix two problems with the security code:

  • a. Timing has been improved to avoid interference with some music software. Thanks to Paracels/PCB for the report and testing.
  • b. Expunge of library caused access to deallocated memory in some rare cases. Thanks to Mikolaj Calusinski for the report and the excessive beta-testing ;)
  • Fixed (hopefully all) MuGuardianAngel hits in the SurveyMemory() routine. If anyone detects some more, please send me the logs. Thanks to Thomas Richter for his suggestions about mmu.library, but I finally found an other solution. And thanks to Sensei for reporting all his hits.
  • Improved speed of SurveyMemory() drastically by skipping similar recognition routines in just one step if their common requirements are not available.
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[Meldung: 20. Mär. 2002, 01:14] [Kommentare: 0]
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