JMiner, a photogrammetry package developed on the Amiga, has been
revealed. This program allows sequence- and image-based correction
in three dimensions and can automatically map a two dimensional map
from a (special) video stream. Take a look at the
page to find out more!
One thing we would like to mention is that JMiner and the 3D engine
are two completely different projects: The 3D objects are compatible
with both engines but the renderer is by no means the same. The
FPU-based J Miner runs slower when more polygons are added, the
integer-based 3D engine will always run at one speed.
AuroraRadio is now officially online and is a Shoutcast radio station
dedicated only to quality music. Every style and age of music is played,
including Amiga modules and C64 SID music. Currently, the radio station
is in its test phase, which means that sometimes the server is down,
but under normal circumstances it should be available 24 hours a day...!
There are a lot of other big secret hard- and software projects going
on right now, although we cannot say anything about it yet. However,
this will change when release dates get closer. Be prepared for something
[Meldung: 07. Mär. 2002, 14:33] [Kommentare: 7 - 08. Mär. 2002, 09:21]
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