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Idruna Software

Idruna Software Launches Pocket Phojo
Paul Nolan, Amiga-Usern durch seine Bildbearbeitungs-Software 'Photogenics' bekannt, hat für Handhelds ein neue Software dieser Art namens Pocket Phojo vorgestellt.

»Idruna Software Launches Pocket Phojo, the First Handheld Photo-Editing and Wireless Transmission Solution Specifically for Photojournalists
San Diego, CA -- January 30th, 2002 -- Idruna Software Inc., an innovative provider of desktop and mobile graphics software is pleased to announce the launch of Pocket Phojo, the first handheld photo editing and wireless transmission solution specifically designed for photojournalists. Instead of requiring a bulky laptop to get photos to the press agencies, photojournalists can now fit all of the tools they need in their pocket. For situations such as rapidly breaking stories, or in locations where laptops are impractical, this represents a breakthrough in the time required to get a photo from the camera to the photo desk.«
Complete press release see title link. (ps)

[Meldung: 30. Jan. 2002, 19:38] [Kommentare: 6 - 31. Jan. 2002, 21:46]
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