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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: WatchDog 2.5
Am 25. Januar 2002 hat Zbigniew Trzcionkowski mit der Version 2.5 einen aktuellen Snapshot seines Speicherüberwachungstools 'WatchDog' veröffentlicht. In dieser Version sind u.a. weitere Tests hinzugekommen. Im Detail hat sich gegenüber der Version 2.1 Folgendes geändert:
  • added ToolType 'IgnoreSnoopDos' - currently this is the only patcher I have decided to include since in future I want to use heuristics to analyse ANY patches...
  • added 'WatchDog' position in WB/Tools menu. After watching this requester memory test is performed too...
  • added new memory installation and new timing routines... a. read: memory deprotection of WatchDog together with xvs should be more difficult for virus now... b. time between memory checks is adjusted using AI features and varies somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds (depending on system and user activity)... c. fixed little bit my unfreezing toy...
  • added few more vital Exec vectors to memcheck...
  • added checker for some important dos vectors (with $4ef9 opcode generic restorer)
  • added some debug tooltypes - no need to mention them here...
  • added S:startup-sequence and S:user-startup notification so that any change (or deletion) of these important files is reported to the user. If You don't know what that notification is You'd better believe me that it slows no machine and causes no accesses to the watched files...
  • added ToolType 'NoNotify' to switch off ability mentioned above :)

Das Tool nutzt die 'xvs.library', um alle drei Sekunden den Speicher auf bekannte Viren zu überprüfen. Dazu kommen weitere Fähigkeiten des Programms, die man der Dokumentation entnehmen kann.

'WatchDog' läuft ab AmigaOS 2.04 und benötigt die xvs.library.

Download: WatchDog.lha (19K), Readme (sd)

[Meldung: 27. Jan. 2002, 21:33] [Kommentare: 1 - 28. Jan. 2002, 03:16]
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