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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Robert Williams (ANF)

New Total Amiga Website
South Essex Amiga Link is proud to announce the launch of a website for Total Amiga Magazine:

Total Amiga is the new name for our established quarterly printed Amiga magazine, "Clubbed".

On our new site you can find full details about the magazine, contents lists for past issues and our plans for the future. There is information on ordering trial copies of the magazine and subscriptions with links to ForeMatt Home Computing and Kicksoft who offer an online ordering service for us.

We also have a behind the scenes section where you can find out how the magazine is produced (on the Amiga of course) and see a preview of the new design.

The first issue of Total Amiga is going to press next week and will be available in February.

[Meldung: 25. Jan. 2002, 22:49] [Kommentare: 0]
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