Amiga Inc.: AmigaDE Shop - Weihnachtsaktion
Bis zum 24.12.2001 erhalten AmigaDE Player-Kunden Rabatte beim Kauf
weiterer Applikationen im AmigaDE Shop. Hier die Original-Meldung:
Now through December 24, 2001, our existing AmigaDE Player Customers will
receive a discount on participating applications purchased through the
AmigaDE Shop. Customers who have not purchased the AmigaDE Player will
receive a free AmigaDE Player for the platform of their choice with the
purchase of regularly priced applications through the AmigaDE Shop. (ps)
[Meldung: 11. Dez. 2001, 19:31] [Kommentare: 31 - 14. Dez. 2001, 10:20]
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