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Stéphane Campan (E-Mail)

Printmagazine: Amiga Active Magazine Announces Major Changes
Fri 19 Oct Amiga Active Magazine Announces Major Changes
Amiga Active, the world's leading Amiga magazine, is undergoing significant changes to meet the challenges of a changed marketplace. With the first consumer version of the next generation Amiga environment, the AmigaDE player, finally available to the public, Amiga have stepped into the future, and Amiga Active magazine is following suit.

Issue 26 of Amiga Active magazine will be released on the 25th of October. This issue will contain the normal mix of forward-looking and "Classic Amiga" content, including the most detailed preview of the Amiga DE to date, revealing for the first time much of what is actually going into the next-generation Operating Environment which Amiga are building on top of the binary-portable intent JTE (Java Technology Edition) multimedia engine from Tao Group. This will be the last time that Amiga's journey into the next generation will be a matter of previews and predictions. The next generation has arrived.

Amiga Active has been preparing for this from the very beginning. Since the very first issue we have been covering the revolution taking place in computing, and over recent months our coverage has increased through our ever-expanding "Next Generation" section. We are now taking the magazine itself into the next stage with a change in focus, and a change in name - to digital.
Complete article see title link. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Okt. 2001, 21:00] [Kommentare: 11 - 20. Okt. 2001, 16:20]
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